Important Announcement! Please Read!


If you are attending the next HQ event (the "Low Level" event) either as a PC or NPC, please note that Scott Kondrk is PCing the event. Therefore, he is a customer at this event like all other PCs. Please do not bother him with Faire Play or site issues during the game so that he can feel like he's actually playing and not working at the event.

If there are any Faire Play or site issues or if you have any questions about Faire Play or the site, please contact me (or Mike Ventrella). Please let Scott enjoy the game and not be bothered with these types of distractions. As you all know, Scott devotes a *huge* amount of time to both HQ and Faire Play and it's only fair that he be able to enjoy the game as a PC.

That being said, NPCs should feel free to kill him on sight.

Thank you.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Good luck with that NPCs. You might need it!
IvanDrake said:
NPCs should feel free to kill him on sight.

Thank you.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
but who is going to fix all the stuff if he is enjoying himself. isnt it listed in the by-laws that scott isnt alowed to have fun, and can only funtion in the capacity of "water heater repair tech".

have scott scott.
James Trotta said:
Good luck with that NPCs. You might need it!
IvanDrake said:
NPCs should feel free to kill him on sight.

Thank you.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

This is the time to do it, as I'm playing a huge 35 build character who has read and write at double cost. Oh yeah!

Scott's playing a Scavenger....?

Scott, if this is true, and you come out as anything -other- than a grizzly bear or gorilla, I will be disappointed. ;)

Unless its a T-rex. Just kidding.

Or an orc, an ogre, or barbarian...
Okay, now I feel better. I had forgotten that it was double for those guys as well.

Although Scott as a giant grizzly scavenger = intimidating.

Fearless Leader said:
Actually, I will be playing too, for the first time in who knows how many years! Little 7th level gypsy...

I didn't know that. Given this new information, please do not bother Mike Ventrella about the site this week-end either.

NPCs, however, can ignore MIke and focus solely on killing Scott.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
That includes you most of the time doesn't it eric?
Fearless Leader said:
Especially since I'll probably be working the tavern most of the weekend anyway. Even when I PC, I see things that need to be done (sigh)...

So go PC another chapter. That's what they're there for and that's when you can truly get away from having to run anything. That's what I do.

Duke Frost said:
Fearless Leader said:
Especially since I'll probably be working the tavern most of the weekend anyway. Even when I PC, I see things that need to be done (sigh)...

So go PC another chapter. That's what they're there for and that's when you can truly get away from having to run anything. That's what I do.


Yep. Or just let me handle it and stop worrying. :)

--- Eric Stehle
I really don't mind NPCing though and playing those roles that help fill out the game world. I get my enjoyment from watching others have fun. Even Zatarina (a PC) spends much of her time trying to get other players involved in the plot, as we both see that as our "job" so to speak...

I'm PCing this weekend because I really don't enjoy just being a monster/random NPC all weekend and I really don't have anything else to do.

And depending on Heidi's health (which is one of the reasons we don't travel to other games) we may not stay the entire event anyway.

Speaking of which, we could really use help on Friday, because we have to set up the Healers Guild, Mages Guild and tavern. (They were all taken down because we had another LARP renting the place last weekend)