Important Notes about the 4-day Pre-reg


Hey all! Guess what! We have a 4-day event upcoming!

We here at Logistics are super excited to help you out in getting ready for this auspicious event!! As a result, there are some changes coming that yall should be aware of in advance of the 4-day:

#1 :: The pre-reg sheet is undergoing some important changes right now, so PLEASE DON'T USE IT YET. If you are a PC and have already pre-reg'd for the 4-day, your pre-reg will need to be redone. We have some rules changes going into effect at this event (such as the 20 LCO rit cap for Magic Items), and we've put new stuff into the form to help everyone out.

NPCs, the changes shouldn't be affecting you, so if you've already pre-reg'd, you're fine.

The pre-reg form should be live by Monday, July 8, so PC's can start pre-reging then. Also, PC's, be sure you read the new form CAREFULLY as your menu options have changed (no, seriously, do read it kinda carefully ;D).

#2 :: Holy cow, we have seen a lot of merchanting happening lately! To make your lives easier, we're going to work on publishing the fancy sheet we use in Logistics for calculating merchanting totals. We'll post some more details about that in a bit, but for right now, if you know you're going to be merchanting stuff at the next event, keep an eye out for those updates. It should hopefully make everyone's day go muuuuch faster.

#3 :: You guys have been fantastic about using the form and getting your pre-reg's in on time! This is awesome! However, we've been noticing that magic items are getting left off of pre-regs lately. Magic items account for a huge amount of time here at logistics, and have been known to cause major slow-downs at check-in. As such, we are instituting a new policy, effective immediately: Pre-reg's are not considered complete until magic items have been pre-reg'd.

This means that if you don't submit your magic items to us in a pre-reg by the pre-reg deadline, you will not be considered as pre-reg'd, and will not receive the discounted game rate.

If you don't have your magic items with you when you fill out the form, sending in an email is totally okay, but that email MUST be sent by the pre-reg deadline (Keep in mind, this is 2 weeks ahead of the event for the 4-day, not 1 week as is usual!). This should speed up everyone's time at logistics (particularly in light of our new LCO magic item policy rule!), which is our main goal. Thanks for your understanding and assistance with this!

#4 :: Finally (for now, there may be some more excitement coming in the future), we've removed the "build expenditure" option from the form because it was causing some confusion. If you have build you want to spend, please submit that to logistics via email. (Note: this includes character creation! Please do NOT create a character using the form!)

Thanks so much for your patience! Oh, and if you haven't done so already, keep in mind that July 31 is the last day to sell back LCO magic items and rituals for gobbies so that you fall under the 20 LCO Rits for Magic Items! It's coming faster than you might think!

Thanks so much, and, as always, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions (several of the things that have been making logistics better have come from other players, so keep 'em coming!), feel free to email or PM me, prashka. We look forward to serving your gaming needs in the upcoming future!

Team Logistics
Hey! Hey! Hey you!

Wanna speed through Check-In even FASTER than usual? Do you plan on merchanting stuff?

Check out this fancy new sheet!!

To speed up through logistics at the 4-day and beyond, feel free to save yourself a copy of this sheet, fill it out, and then email it in to logistics before the pre-reg deadline, and we'll have your coin waiting for you at the event. Easy-peasy!

You'll note that there are some changes, if you have used the physical form before. We've modified our own sheet so that it automatically looks up the value of scales and things based on their number (such as A06 or R22 or whatever), so all you need to do is type in the code and how many you have. We'll calculate the coin total for you! Yay!

Enjoy, and thanks everyone for the suggestions that brought this to reality!

Team Logistics