Important: Scroll and Feather

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Adventuring community,

An endeavor of great importance for us as a whole requires two items:
  • A Render Indestructible scroll to spellcraft from. This said, your scroll will NOT be consumed and you will receive the scroll back after the spellcrafting is done.
  • A large feather, ideally 10"-16" long and with a sturdy "stem".
If you can offer either/both of these to our cause, please let me know.

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage
Zeh scroll is not something I have access to but I vill see vhat I can do about acquiring a suitable feather. Need it come from any specific bird?

-Beryl R.T.
A feather from a bird without any magical properties at all would be ideal, Beryl.

~ Gandian
The legendary red-headed fiery phoenix chicken is right out.

Walk with Honor,
Kist. And I was just plucking it now.

-Beryl R.T.