In case you were wondering...

My character is not dead! Her player has just been on an entended vacation from NERO these past five months.

For those of you whose characters know Ellie, she has been her usual perky self during the last several months, sweeping the tavern and prancing around with the Dark Elves, but she's been acting very light-headed lately, especially about responding to messages and stuff like that (god, that Sarr is such a scatter-brain!). So, people might have noticed that she's been a bit distracted lately, but other than that, she's totally fine.

As for her absence from Events, she was off buying spices and booze for the tavern. She just forgot to tell people about it sometimes...yeah.

Anyway, sorry about my character's unexplained disappearance! I hope it wasn't too difficult to explain IG!

well... where ever she was last event she was missed by Fiyana! :-p
Tell her to lay off the catnip. ;) :p
jpariury said:
Bah, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie..... who cares? Midge is where its at!

So true!!!! *high-fives JP* Thank you! You're the only one that realizes this!!!

(By the way, Midge is also alive and well. I just didn't think it was worth mentioning; it would have been imposible for anyone IG to noitce that she was gone anyway)