In desperate need of training.

I am looking for wise teachers who would be willing to help me learn. I would of course be willing to pay for your services.
I desire to learn the art of handling a spear and sword at the same time; all I can manage now is one sword...
However, more urgent to me than the mastering of the arts of combat is mastering the arts of healing. Watching a life expire before you as you stand unable to help is a most distressing experience. I have no idea where to begin, but I am eager to learn.
I will be at the next market day, and would like to learn as soon as possible.
Felixmac09 said:
I am looking for wise teachers who would be willing to help me learn. I would of course be willing to pay for your services.
I desire to learn the art of handling a spear and sword at the same time; all I can manage now is one sword...
However, more urgent to me than the mastering of the arts of combat is mastering the arts of healing. Watching a life expire before you as you stand unable to help is a most distressing experience. I have no idea where to begin, but I am eager to learn.
I will be at the next market day, and would like to learn as soon as possible.

I'd be happy to show you the arts of healing. Just seek me out at the market day. I do need to know who I'm looking for, though, as you didn't identify yourself iny your dream.

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light
Much obliged gentlemen. As I mentioned, I'll be at the next market day. As for identification, last time I wandered through here, I was the only biata, so that can't have changed too much. I should be fairly distinctive.
With much thanks,
Jonathan Darin.
Johnathan Darin... I cant seem to place you, weve actually had a couple Biata around recently.

Tall Guy, Like Fudge? Hung out with the blind gypsie lady? That sound about right?

I actually dont know a thing about either fighting with a spear and sword or healing. Gandian might be able to show you how to do its but he's not that wise (sorry Gondola :) ).

Fern Woods
Yeah, that's me. It has been far too long indeed, although I remember you well, Fern Woods. You leave an impression...
How is the sheriffing going? It sounds like someone is organizing a training day, hopefully I'll be able to get my needs met there or with one of the other fine individuals who have already replied. And I'm looking forward to meeting more of my kin! Hopefully they'll be at the next market day as well.