In Honor of Dame Daralassia


The kingdom of Icenia has lost one of its brightest lights. Two nights ago, Dame Daralassia Vanyatari of the Ash Forest fell in battle for the final time.

For the last two nights I have grieved for someone who was not only a living embodiment of the Code, but someone I have loved as a sister for nearly a span. I wish I could speak of her many deeds, of her kindness, and her valor but my words are failing me.

Arrangements will be made for a Spirit Farewell. The exact date and location will be announced once things have been finalized so that those who wish to say their goodbyes may do so.

With a heavy heart,
Squire Ezri Silverthorn
*A soft roar echoes in sadness*

Another friend, gone too soon.

Icenia has lost its best noble. Hopefully it was a good fight.

Rest, Daralassia. It is well deserved.

-Zehnyu Shanshi
This is truely and deeply sad news. I remember the first time Dame Darlassia left the Ash Forest to travel as an adventurer. We stood together for many years, and fondly do I remember her for her courage, her generosity, he bravery and her unfailing loyatly and dedication to serve others. Not only in Icenia, but the few times she had traveled to Arandin, she was ever the embodiment of what a true noble ought to ascribe to. The loss of one so bright only darkens this world more.

For those of us who are unable to travel to attend her funeral, will there be opportunities given to read a farewell letter?

In Service
Sir Lauroc DerWyrvenhaus
I... am at a loss for words. I wasn't there... I should have been there... Squire Ezri, my heart goes out to you. If I can do it.

-Gwendara Alanik
of the Vanguard
my dearest Ezri,

When the Barony of Ashforest has chosen a time please inform me. I do wish to send my farewells as well. I know I have been absent for many moon, but for whatever reason the stars wish for me to hear these thoughts. The more voices i hear the more I miss everyone.
If another does not do so I will see to it that your letter gets where it needs to be. Contact me privately. It has been too long.

Simon Neville
It saddens me to here of this loss. I have been gone for a few gather seasons and hoped to see her again upon my return this gather season. She was always very kind and gentle. Also very helpful and giving.
