In need of a spell book


Chicago Staff
Good Day!

I recently had an...accident with a trap...I am looking to acquire a new spell book. I have heard that someone may have one available for my purchase. If you could point me to someone who could help I would appreciate that too.

Many thanks,

If you are unable to find a spellbook for purchase you may borrow mine.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Dirty or Stary?

I am terrified of a dirty orc spellbook...

-James the Inconceivable of harbors Far
I, too, am finding myself in need of an Earth Magic spell book.
I should be able to help both of you with a purchase. Please contact me privately.

Hello All.
I am also thinking about taking up celestial magic.
And would need a celestial magic book to buy.
But i will be looking for someone to teach me next market day.
Thanks much.
Gorka knows who has staries!
Hrm lets see, Gandian the pompus elf, D'rezz the nice Dark Elf, that Dwarf from the Brotherhood, Brother Eric Musters of the Brotherhood, Hengin of Forest's Edge, and Pan Da of Forest's Edge.

Those are the adventures I know that cast the sky magics.

Good to hear from you again sir Gorka missed helping you in the earth circle.

-Healer Gorka