In need of help!

Soooo, I need help. And LOTS of it (more than normal).
I've insanely decided to play a new PC next weekend, as of right now pretty much (I have everything physically I need pretty much!).
HOWEVER, I have some questions....
- How do I pay for the event? I've already paid for a year membership (when I NPC'ed), but can't seem to find a PayPal button for Event payment on the site.
- How do I get ahold of Logistics? I know its a short crunch, but I know exactly what I am doing with my PC.
- How do I get my copy of the Players Guide of Barran? I paid on the website ($5) for it.
- Is Plot okay with me whipping up a Character backstory right before the event? Because I can totally do that.
- Anything else I should be asking??

I'm re-posting this on the Facebook page as well, so hopefully someone sees this...
- Perkins
Good to meet you!

#1. is where you go to pay for your event. You will be looking to register for the MAY event.
You can pay with paypal before the event OR cash at the door. Click on the register button.

#2. I will get Plot to send you your copy of the player's guide.

#3. Please try to have the e-mail to him before this weekend so he has time to respond.

#4. Plot will be sending the players guide to you via e-mail shortly.

#5. create your character history to help get you into the mood for your new personality, If there are major issues concerning plot and it's integration, we will try to work with you to get them smoothed out, please dont try anything too drastic before your first event for your backstory as you get to re-write your character (stat line and skills) after your first game. give yourself some room to do the same with your history.

Stay Simple at first and get more complicated as the game goes along for you.
a. it helps you flush them out as you learn about your character, so does eveyone else;
b. if you try to figure out every personality quirk and deed your charctacter has ever done prior to walkng "on stage" the first time
may end up pidgeon-holing your character from moving in a direction that feels natural for you in a few games.
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Thank you so much (person I suspect is Rich)!!
Rich, on the subject of players guides, might I also receive one of them? I don't believe I ever got my hands on one. Thanks!