In need of lodging for 4/ Bind Item Auction


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I am currently planning to attend your next market day with 3 of my friends. Havok, TadRon and Maxwell. We are looking for a safe place to sleep, preferably one that we can ward for just ourselves. It has been a few years since I last visited these lands. Please let me know if there is anything I should be aware of.

Also, let me know if you are in need of any potions, scrolls, alchemy or weapons and armor. I will do what I can, sorry I did not give more notice.

I have a traveling item that allows 2 binds per day that is good for 4 years that I would like to auction off as well. I will start the bidding at 10 gold.

Many blessings,
Ah, Master Bob,

It is wonderful you will be traveling to Wayside, it's been my hope to return to Valdanis more often but I'm afraid many obligations have conspired to keep me at home in Wayside. You should have no problem finding half a cabin to Ward for yourselves, although they are not mine to give, I speak only from general availability in the past. Please let me know if you have any other immediate needs, I do have access to a cloak scroll that I will be spell crafting from for those that desire a bit of extra protection this marketday.

As to your item, I hate to see a fine thing languish unloved and unbidded upon so I'll start myself at 10 gold, although my money supply is meager so I can't promise to participate in the bidding as long as I might like, when do you plan to conclude the auction?

-Enan Bluewater
Young Master Enan,

Great to see you again. Thank you for the information.

The auction will conclude on Saturday/Sunday Morning in Wayside, depending on the flow of the market day. Often times I find the second day to be the most hectic. Since I know of your interest, I promise it will not end with out you knowing of it. Also, I have something for someone named Durl. Do you think you could point a courier in his direction?

Many blessings,
I've heard the name, but I've never managed to meet the fellow, appearently his travel patterns are both erratic and slow moving. I think that many people in town know him better then I do, perhaps you can check with Eldandiril, she knows most everyone in town and if she doesn't know him specifically, I'm sure she knows who he does travel with.

-Enan Bluewater

I could put some antidotes to good use if you have the time to craft them.
I look forward to seeing you at the market day.


I should be able to find you a spot to sleep here in Briar Pass for the weekend. I will look into setting up a cozy spot hear myself and if needed I am sure I can provide you with a ward as well. And as far as Durl. I haven't seen him lately but I don't think it will be hard for me to get him items and goods if thats what you need.

Elle Zanabanath
Master Blacksmith,

I am pleased that you will once again join us here in Wayside. Briarpass has changed since you were last able to make the trip. If you need I believe that the second half of the cabin the Mistress Zanabanath and I stay in. I would suggest that you arrive early. If there is anything else that you need feel free to ask. I look forward to seeing Knight Havok, Tadron and Bard Maxwell again soon. Travel safe.

Liddia FallingStar Regent of Briarpass
My most excellent sir,

Whilst I am a bit low on funds right now to bid on the Bind item, I would be much obliged if you could see if you have a short sword in your inventory that I may purchase.

I look forward to meeting you in person,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Young Master,

My surname "The Blacksmith" means that I am very capable of making anything that you may need that comes from a forge. Look forward to meeting you and always do I enjoy new customers.

Lidia and Elle, many thanks for the advice and offer of a place to stay. There is no chance that I will be able to "get there early." Perhaps you could be persuaded to hold the place for me. We WILL come, I guarantee it but we must wait for Maxwell to finish a trade caravan with his people, which he will not finish until 4:30 at best. I am not above bribery =P, what would you like??? I have many pretty baubles or potions or scrolls.....or I can make you nice blacksmithed items.

Many blessings,
Bob's coming, all right!

Hey Bob, if you got a small crossbow for sale, or a few antidote potions, you'd have a happy fox-kin greeting ya when you arrive- my good crossbow got eaten by undead last market day, and I'm hoping that having a few extra curatives will keep that from happening again.

Sorry, I can't really help ya with any place to sleep though- I can usually barely scape up a comfy spot for myself.
Item for auction is a small disc about the size of a silver piece

I have a bid of 11 gold

You may bid in private, but please if you do not care if others know make it public

good luck all,
Master Bob,

I'll give it one more shot at 15 gold.

-Enan Bluewater
alas, I would not want to seem a liar, I am glad this item will go to a good home, and humblely bow out of the bidding
I have a bid of 17 gold.

The seller of this item is also willing to trade components for the item at a favorable rate of 1.5 gold per component. So currently you could trade 11 - 12 components for this item.

A reminder of terms of auction. When I auction an item for you I get a 10% commission on the selling price (this ensures I work my hardest for you and get the best price possible)
A reminder to some of my bidders who are not putting in their own bids, I will place your bid for you free, if you are going to be present to pay, if you are not present to pay and I must proxy bid for you and then pay for the item, there is a 10% surcharge. So for those of you bidding that are not going to be at the market day, you may want to arrange for another citizen to pay and pick up your item.

Many blessings and good luck,
BtB said:
I have a bid of 17 gold.

The seller of this item is also willing to trade components for the item at a favorable rate of 1.5 gold per component. So currently you could trade 11 - 12 components for this item.

A reminder of terms of auction. When I auction an item for you I get a 10% commission on the selling price (this ensures I work my hardest for you and get the best price possible)
A reminder to some of my bidders who are not putting in their own bids, I will place your bid for you free, if you are going to be present to pay, if you are not present to pay and I must proxy bid for you and then pay for the item, there is a 10% surcharge. So for those of you bidding that are not going to be at the market day, you may want to arrange for another citizen to pay and pick up your item.

Many blessings and good luck,

18 gold
Proxy bid of 19 gold

best of luck,