In Search Of A Blacksmith


I am in need of a skilled blacksmith, or several, willing to commission a few things for me as a tragic rivercrossing has left me sadly separated from my favorite hunting tools!

I am eager to pay good coin for a pair of Heavy Crossbows and up to a gross or so of bolts.

I believe 11 silver would be a fair point to start from, but please reach out to me with bids if you are interested. I just may have a few other minor goods left in my pack that could be handily traded instead of coin if you prefer. Delivery would need to be made on or before the beginning of the first market day in March of this year.

Thank you,

- Nikolai Volyaich Terniaeanu Rudari
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I'm a wandmaker by trade, but find myself making crossbow bolts from materials that prove to be unsuitable for wand making. I believe I have at least a gross that I could get to you.

Baeleon Somerled

I'd suggest getting in contact with Iganeous Ironforge, one of our local dwarven master blacksmiths. When it comes to making weapons, he'll certainly have you covered.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft