In serch of Knowladge

I send this post in advance of my arrival in two weeks at your fair lands

I Bowin Morris Seek Learning in the skills of Ship building and Carpentry
As a Future Ship captain I find it inportan to know a little about every job on a ship
I am already a Skilled Sailor,Navigator and Helmsman and wish to add Ship Building and Carpentry to my lists
I also seek to Learn more of the ways of the Merchant's of your lands so one skilled in this would be helpfull.

Any Skilled in one of more of these things please seek me out
I am willing to pay a fair price for a skilled teacher

Bowin Morris
Goodman Morris,

When you arrive, I'll happily give you some stories of when I used to vike and had a full longship and crew. You may also want to seek out Parduc, a Gorban blood brother of mine with a good number of ships.

Squire Ulthoc of Norden, Warrior of Sheep Tribe

When you build yer ship just be sure to put a Raven's Nest on the highest mast. Forget about the f**king crows. They'll just crap all over your nice deck.


that reminds me of a Biata Captain I once served under that insisted we call it a Griffons nest
the idea of a griffon sized mess is very disturbing.
