In the ArchMage's Chamber - S5

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Az'Caine sits at his desk, paperwork still piled up like it always is. It never stops. He moves them around without much thought as his mind wanders for the day.

So much has transpired in the past few years. Hope, fear, joy and pain all seem to be a never ending tidal wave in the Realms. The Sect, or whatever they call themselves, seems to have been, for the moment, put down in the Capital. "Rats will always scurry back into their holes" he mused. The ArchMage has been around long enough to know that no matter how hard one tries, a small remnant of the past always lingers.

Now Al'Zoon seems to be mustering his forces. The lands of the Dark Reaches have stirred. Cracks are forming in the armour that surrounds those lands and things seem to be slipping through. "Hopefully Sarryn and his band will be able to survey the lands and get a feel for what we are facing so we can better prepare all." he says absently to no one in particular.

He looks to the reports on his desk from the Home Guard. The Duchess is alive and well, her would be enslaver locked in a cell within the Arcane Sanctum under careful watch of the Home Guard and Marshal Farr'Shen's War Mages. "We will get to the bottom of these assassination attempts." he quips.

Then there is the disturbing report from the Home Guard about the death of a Noble family. A minor house, but noble none the less. That will have to be investigated to its exhausting conclusion.

Reports from the Breach, that the Kara Vale gnolls are becoming more active is disturbing. That will have to be dealt with immediately. Magi Kurak has been working all winter on those portals the Breachers were able to open last fall. Hopefully, with some skill and luck, they have not been discovered by Kara Vale and can still be used to assault her lands. It's always difficult to send good people into a land where they may not return from, but the price of freedom has always been high and it's usually paid in blood.

The report from the Breach about the overcrowded cells in the brig are slightly perplexing. Many prisoners awaiting a trip to Calanhelm for various crimes. Now that the refugees and the Sect have been dealt with, there should be no problems in transporting them here. The Colonel will deal with them and Lt. Hamish will be given orders to that effect as well.

Az'Caine looks to the Treaty of the Uruzaries, now more a rag than a prominent paper. The Sultana will have to be dealt with. Her resources, her Uruzaries, are something the lands cannot afford to lose. Between her, the Dark Elf Empress and the Rocholm Elves and Dwarves there will be many trips through the portals over the next several months.

Az'Caine rubs his temples once again, relieving the tension and trying to refocus on the piles of paperwork upon his desk.

Scarlett stops in front of the door to the Archmage's chamber and takes a moment to catch his breath from the climb. After a moment he reaches out his hand and knocks on the massive door in front of him.
The door soundlessly opens. "Scarlet the Circle recoignizes you in." the ArchMage states from behind his desk. It is still cluttered with many papers, books, tomes, candles and other items.

"Please, have a seat." he states while motioning to the chair on the opposite side of the desk from him. "So what brings you down to Calanhelm?"
Scarlett bows lowly "Thank you Sir" he says as he enters the room. "I have come to seek an audience with yourself along with the Fate Spinner. Thank you for giving me the honor of your time." as he sits in the chair he brushes the hair from his eyes. "I wanted to speak with you about the missions to the Dark Reaches. My friends said it would be best to talk with you about it." he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "With everyone that died last month. Even though they successfully resurrected, It gave me an epiphany. I can't in good conscience just hide in my forge and let others fight to protect the realm any more. I would like to request to be sent on any and all missions to the Dark Reaches, I know I have only been in the ranks of the Breach for near a year now. But in this time the people there have become my comrades, dear friends, and loved ones. I want... no I need to be there to do everything I can to keep anymore of them from dying." Realizing his familiar tone he blushes and lowers his head.
"I applaud your enthusiasm. The Dark Reaches are not for the faint of heart. Those lands pose a threat to Calandonia that you cannot even imagine. WarMage Sarryn is the one to speak with at the Breach. He is leading the charge, so to speak, of the forays into the lands to gather more information about them. We need to determine if the Lords that rule them are friend, foe or indifferent. And then we need to figure out how to use that information. Unfortunately, Squire Hamish did perish in the Lands of Balinox and was returned to us the next day through the Portals. I do not know of any other deaths, at least nothing reported to me by Magi Mobeus on that matter."

The ArchMage studies Young Scarlett for a minute. "It is honourable to want to keep your freinds from harm and death, but I do not think you are skilled in the arts of Healing and Curatives. The Breach does need more healers and needs them under the guidance of the Earth Weavers. If that is your goal, the Fatespinner will be the one you need to speak of to state those intentions."

"If there is anything else, please let me know. If not, the Circle recognizes you out."
Hearing the truth in Archmage's words Scarlett pauses and purses his lips. After a moment he looks at the Archmage a new found sense of purpose in his eyes. "Thank you m'Lord, For everything. I will go speak with her once" he says as he stands and bows. He turns and leaves the room.
The ArchMage looks from his window as the Conclave-Penta shakes violently. He knows instinctively what had happened. Culdranth, the Great Conflagration had finally been released upon Calanda. The Breach was no more. He looks up to the ceiling, spying the familiar red shape fluttering around. "Ziblis" the ArchMage begins, "Please go to the Breach and survey what, if anything, is left. Then swing past the Lux Obscuri to see if it has survived as well. If you get a chance, check on the Countess' Observatory."

The ArchMage looks to his anti-chamber as dust and smoke pour from it. His personal portal to the Breach has suffered the same fate as the one in the Portal room several levels below. "Luftknecht, Feuerwehrmann", he commands his elemental servants, "please go and clean that up. I have business to attend to below." The elementals move with all speed to begin clearing out the anti-chamber.

With a heavy sigh, Az'Caine proceeds down to the portal room, soon to be flanked by Magi Kurak and Marshal Farr'Shen.
Hearing the knock, the ArchMage looks up from his endless piles of paperwork and towards the door. "The Circle recognizes Shin. Please, come, sit. This will need to be brief though. I have many things to attend to this day." The ArchMage motions for Shin to have a seat before him.
Shin quickly bows "thank you for seeing me" then takes a seat. "It is my understanding that some in the breach and the arcane sanctum have come to mistrust me. A couple would even like to see me removed from the arcane sanctum as my sometimes childish actions 'for lack of a better term' are reflecting poorly on the sanctum as a whole. In an attempt to prove myself and properly earn my place amongst my fellow members I would like to further devote myself and do more for the arcane sanctum."
Shins pauses for moment to let his thoughts catch up.
"I heard that you are going on a journey with lady Zanthia shortly and would like to offer my services and come with you if I may. Even if all I do is fetch water or do the cooking. Sarryn as my mentor has told me that when he has time, he will start accompanying me on any quests I go on to help me figure out exactly how I need to improve to gain my respect back. However in the mean time, I would like to accompany you to learn what I can and maybe gain some insight into what advancing much further as a member might entail in the long run."
He then waits for a reply and glances down at his hands fidgeting in a nervous manner and stops them so as to try and seem resolute (I think is the word I'm looking for?).
The ArchMage smiles, truly appreciative of the gesture of the young Tari-Nor. "Thank you Shin. If where I was going with Lady Zanthia was a place where you could accompany us, I would accept your most generous offer. Unfortunately, where we will be going, you would not want to follow, or to be more precise, you would not be allowed to follow." the ArchMage states and his gaze drifts slightly to his anti-chamber filled with several personal portals. He snaps back to the hear and now. "If those who are your mentors are concerned about you, then your best course of action is to prove them wrong. Study harder, work with them more. Ensure that your heart and spirit are pure of intention with regards to the Sanctum and those you interact with. If you have to second guess your actions in regards to them reflecting poorly on the Sanctum and those who train you or adventure with you, then you must take a moment and think of the consequences." The ArchMage stands and stretches his aching back, sitting too long, dealing with too much bureaucracy. "Shin, only you can control how others see you. What you do speaks more volumes than any words you could muster. If you know something you are about to do is wrong, or crosses boundaries or rules that should not be, then just don't. If you do, no words you speak will carry any weight, only your actions."

The ArchMage walks over to his window and stare out across the grand city, looking towards the mountains where the Breach used to stand. He shakes his head slowly. "When I give my word, or say I must do something for the greater good of the Lands, I follow through. Whether or not it is a popular or unpopular decision is irrelevant. If what I must do is for the sake of Calandonia, then I will stand behind my actions, for good or ill." Az'Caine slowly turns to regard the young man. "You must do the same. Your actions needs to show your true intentions. Do not be deceitful. Do not hide what is in your heart. That is why the others feel you do not belong. You do things that you know you should not and then when you are caught doing them, you hide your actions with lies or omissions of the truth. They distrust you. Only you can rebuild that trust with them."

The ArchMage moves back to his seat, stretches again and sits. "You have potential, I have said that before. You just lack the discipline currently. This is what Sarryn will teach you. It is why he has risen to his postion quickly. I trust him. I trust his words and his actions. I trust that he has the best of intentions for the Lands and for the Sanctum."

The ArchMage looks to the young Tari-Nor to see if what he has said is striking any cords with him.
Shin sits and takes a moment to let what the archmage has said sink in.
"I understand what you are saying and will take it to heart. I will do my best to think about my actions before acting on them in the days ahead."
He pauses briefly. "I suppose the reason I came here was that I felt I had to prove myself to the Sanctum itself as much as my allies when really it is my allies and friends that I need to focus on doing better by."
Shin stands up and bows. "I thank you for your time."
Rises and begins moving towards the door. "Before I go, are you sure there is nothing I can assist you with on or before your journey? Yetta did teach me a good amount about stress relieving massages and you look pretty tense. It wouldbe the least I can do."
Shin realizes that the archmage may take the offer in the wrong way "the massage thing was meant as a joke to try and lighten the mood in these dark days."
"No. Thank you for the offer. Where I will be going there will be enough heat that my joints will not feel any strain." Az'Caine says with a smirk. "Good Luck Shin. The Circle reckognizes you out." And with that the ArchMage goes back to work, preparing for the long journey ahead of him.
After what seems like forever, she finally reaches the ArchMage's door. Taking a moment to catch her breath, Zanthia smooths out the wrinkles in her skirts before knocking.
"The Circle recognises you Lady Fatespinner" the ArchMage states. As Zanthia enters the chamber she sees the ArchMage at his desk, writing a lengthy missive. He finishes up what he was writing, blows on the ink to dry it quickly rolls it and seals it with wax. "Luftknecht, please take this to Magi Rhialto with all due haste." the little elemental grabs the scroll and pops out of the Circle.

The ArchMage motions to the seats in front of his desk. "Please sit. We have a lot to discuss."
"Thank-you, ArchMage." Zanthia says as she enters the circle, removes her cloak, and sits. "You've said nothing at all about where we are going or for how long. Care to share?"
The ArchMage moves to the window and stares out over the city and beyond. Not saying a word, lost in his thoughts.

A small "pop" is heard as Ziblis rifts into the Greater Circle of Power. The sound draws Az'Caine from his reverie. "Ah, Ziblis. What have you learned?" the ArchMage asks, following the wary gaze of the Imp towards the Fatespinner. "No need to hide any information. Lady Zanthia must be apprised of the situation as well." he states.

The little Imp flutters to the top of the ArchMage's canopy above his bed and seat himself and begins his tale. "Well Lord Az'Caine, it is pretty much what you may think. The Breach that King Ulrich began a half decade ago is no more. That dragon pretty much burnt, beat and flattened everything in the Breach, around the Breach and as far as it could it seems. The ground is still warm, which lead me to think Culdranth is still in the area." he pauses to allow both Guild Leaders to let that sink in. He then continues "Ulrich's Stand has been torched as has the King's Highway and Smuggler's road that leads around the Breach. That valley is pretty much impassible at this point." The imp pauses for a moment, catching his breath and seeing the concern on both faces. "That Grove that Wheatly had a deal with for his wood is gone. Torched to ashes. I don't think anyone that was near there is alive. There were no tracks leading from it."

Ziblis stretches, floats down to the ArchMage's desk, grabs a mug of mead, downs it in one gulp, lets out a voracious belch, then flitters back up to his perch to continue, ignoring the looks from both Zanthia and Az'Caine. "As for this Lux thing you were talking about, no clue. I flew to where you said it should be, but I couldn't see anything. Lots of burnt land around that area, but the spot itself, well, I saw nothing. Sorry Master, I have no information about it."

The ArchMage looks inquisitively at Zanthia then back to Ziblis. "No matter. I figured the Lux Obscura would be hidden to certain eyes. This just helps proves that theory. Lord Physos was wise to hide it from Fey eyes. I just hope his defenses can hold if Culdranth or Al'Zoon decide to attack in force." Az'Caine returns to his desk and faces the Fatespinner. "It looks like your tenure as the Fatespinner has become more interesting then you may have thought possible. Culdranth's return at the side of Al'Zoon changes many things. Many centuries, even a few millennia, Culdranth was removed from the Council of Ancients, as they are now referred to, and it was their might that kept him from returning. As the Council was murdered, or destroyed, during times now forgotten, a new Council took its place. It was lead by Umbaroth, the Platinum Dragon. It was he, and others in the Council, that placed many of our laws that we, you and I, are in charge of maintaining. There was many dissenting opinions and many debates over many decades, but once the Lord of Dragons puts his rather large claw down, the others had no choice but to acquiesce."

The ArchMage pauses, letting all that he has said be understood by the Lady Fatespinner. This is not something that is easily digested. Traditions that have been cultivated over hundreds of years and are so ingrained in our culture, need to be revisited. Now more than ever. After a pause he continues "Lady Fatespinner, we are sorely lacking in power and allies. The Grand Council is meeting soon to decide upon a new leader of Calandonia. As you know, the nobles and leaders will be at each other's throats. They will be looking out for their best interests, which is to be expected and I understand their point of view. Ambassador Wheatley will have his own problems with the nobility of Calanda vying to have their names thrown into the ring as well. We must remain neutral in these dealings. We, you and I, do have other business that needs tending too."

Az'Caine stands and moves to the front of his desk, and half sits upon it, ensuring he has the Fatespinner's full attention. "It is no secret that I have a very close ally, Aithusa, the Silver Dragon. As well, it is known to most that she is in a certain, well shall we say, state of being. Many do not know, nor understand the dire consequences of this. The last time Al'Zoon was defeated by King Parson, we nearly sealed him away for all eternity. Aithusa was to sacrifice her life essence and face utter destruction to seal him away. This ritual was interupted, locking part of her spirit away, splintering the rest. It left her a skeleton of her former self. literally." Az'Caine once again pauses allowing the Fatespinner to absorb all this information before continuing. "With the destruction of the Breach, and more importantly, the Crystals contained within the Arcane Sanctum, we have lost that avenue to seal away Al'Zoon. As such, you and I are now tasked with a nearly impossible mission. We must travel to the Myst Isles, to the lair of Aithusa. We must work together to remove the curse upon her and restore her to complete self, spirit and all. As I cannot cast within the sphere of Earth, I require you to aide me in this. As this is to paramount to the safety of Calandonia, I cannot give you the choice in this matter. As ArchMage and Regent of Calandonia, you must accompany me. I know that we have not seen eye to eye on several occasions, but I hope that we can put any petty differences aside and work together. If we can restore Aithusa and allow her to leave her prison we will gain an immense ally in which we may be able to rally more to the threat of Al'Zoon."

At this point, the ArchMage lets all this information settle and awaits the Fatespinner's response, understanding that this will be life changing for the both of them.
Zanthia is quiet for several minutes, mulling over the huge amount of information. "Thank-you for trusting me with all of this, ArchMage. The little information shared with my guild did not make sense, this explains much." She pauses and stands. "I know I'm not the most powerful Earth caster, but I will go with you and do whatever I can. Nothing is more important than defeating Al'Zoon. Once that is finished, we can worry about the future. I just hope that whomever the Grand Council chooses to lead is up to the immense task."
"Excellent." Az'Caine says. "My affairs here are in order and I assume that yours are as well?" Az'Caine moves over to stand under Ziblis as the imp drinks away another tankard of mead. "Ziblis. Keep an eye on things for me. Although the Magi will be sending me Whispering Winds from time to time, some things will not be purview to their tasks and specialties. Keep watch over those returning from the Breach. Be my eyes and ears while I am away. If you need me, use this Circle to send word. I will not be back until we have completed our task in regards to Aithusa. Likely not until the Spring at the earliest."

The imp looks over to the ArchMage and sees the dour expression on his face. "Yes M'Lord. I will do my best to keep watch on the Breachers. Say, if the Masquerade is going to happen can I..." the ArchMage silences the Imp with a glare. "Yeah, I figured not. Hey, had to ask right?" the Imp says with a grin from ear to ear.

"Zanthia, we need to depart immediately. When we return, things will never be the same, one way or another." the ArchMage states. He moves over to his wardrobe, grabs several packs and drops them to the ground save one. He slings it over his shoulder, grabs takes his staff in hand and heads towards the anti-chamber, motioning for Zanthia to join him. Without a word, Az'Caine's elemental helpers grab up his packs, a large chest and writing instruments and move towards the portal to Myst Isle.

Looking back one final time at his chambers, the ArchMage sighs heavily, turns, and then enters the shimmering portal followed closely by the elementals.
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