Induction ceremony

My sincere apologies for the brief missive that follows, I possess neither the wordiness nor worldliness of our missing master. It pains me to have to write this letter, but times being what they are, I must.

In the absence of our executor, Master Lathann, the Noble Order of the Ivory oak wishes to extend an open invitation to a feast to welcome our newest member the most worthy noble Polare Lissentine.

The Order's doors will be closed for private ceremonies, after which, a feast for all comers shall be available!

Bring your finery, your appetites, and your feasting gear!

The celebration shall occur on the first saturday of june in the noonshade.

While there will be food for all who wish to attend, the Order would greatly appreciate it if non members would contribute in some way...

Money is not the issue, effort is. If you wish to donate money, that is certainly acceptable, but not neccessary.

Bring your best dish, dessert, or libations for us to raise a glass to our newest member.

Let us show him the love and respect a hero of his calibre truly deserves!

After the ceremonies and feast, the Order will be meeting to vote on the issue of a new inductee, it may be you!!!

Evrington Sinclaire ap Rhys,
Acting executor, Noble Order of the Ivory Oak