info sharing document

For anyone interested, there is a lot of info flying around this campaign. Something that we've used in other games is a google document so everyone can share, learn, and think together. It's all IG unless stated otherwise. PM me your email address if you would like to be included.
To clarify: What IG format does this Google Doc take? Should we only join up if we have Read and Write (or an ally with R/W we can be absolutely sure will relay us 100% of what's in the document?) I'm not meaning to pick nits, I just want to be sure of how to explain where I learned something I read in the doc when I'm asked about it in-game. :)
If you have an ally who can read and write and will absolutely relay that information to you, then knowing what's in the document in game is fine. Posting-wise, you should have that ally post for you.

Please try to keep your document "in game" and treat it more like a message board than a conversation. Live-action is, after all, the first two parts of LARP. :)