Information about the Kingdom of Tharros

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The break of dawn welcomes the Spring Queen
The warmth of midday inspires the Summer Queen
The cool of twilight tempers the Autumn Queen
The dark of night remembers the Winter Queen

The Governing of Tharros

Four Queens rule Tharros and they are always of the Karlik and almost always from one of the Great Houses:

Tilkov - the House of the Blazing Heat
Ulmus - the House of the Unforgiving Winter
Betula - the House of the First Bloom
Osen – the House of the Bountiful Harvest
Vesna - the House of the Spring Thaw
Leeto – the House of the Summer Storm
Gronska - the House of the Turn of Autumn
Zeema – the House of the Howling of the Bitter Wind

The Spring Queen is in training, selected by the current Winter Queen while she was serving as the Autumn Queen. The Summer Queen is in the military and serves upon the councils of generals. Her martial and magic training are not symbolic nor simply formality. The Summer Queen must learn to use weapons and magic, learning as Templar. Even in times of war, the Summer Queen fights and commands with the council of generals. The Autumn Queen is the true ruler, working with her advisors to run the Kingdom of Tharros, ascending to to throne after her time in the military. When an Autumn Queen decides her time has come to join the winter, she becomes the Winter Queen. If she decides this while a Winter Queen still lives, the current Winter Queen abdicates her position and goes to live out the rest of her days at the Grove of Remembrance. The Winter Queen’s duties are largely training the the Spring Queen and performing duties for the people of Tharros, largely acts of charity, meeting with commoners of Tharros, and ceremonial duties for festivals.

Common sayings in the kingdom surrounding the queens:

As new/fresh/young/naive as a Spring Queen.

By the Summer Queen, I shall smite you!

I will hunt you as a Summer Queen.

Grant me the patience/tolerance of the Autumn Queen.

May the Winter Queen smile upon you.

Grant me the wisdom of the Winter Queen.

For the Queens of Tharros!

For Queens and Kingdom!

The Autumn Queen’s Court is made up of her advisors, members of the great houses, the families of the Lord Chancellors, the leaders of the High Guilds, the ruling peerage and their immediate families, celebrated veterans, heroes of the realm, the Council of the Court and the Council of the Land. As well as a leader from each Provincial Gens Heureux Families. While no longer entitled to govern simply because they were the rulers of the Gens Heureux before they joined with the Karlick to form the Kingdom of Tharros, these families that once ruled over the 13 provinces of the old Gens Heureux Kingdom still hold great sway, wealth, and power in Tharros. They are:

Gitrelle - their symbol is the bee
Lidrelle- their symbol is the eagle
Chastien -their symbol is the anile
Sernard - their symbol is the ram
Henorine - their symbol is the ox
Arniele - their symbol is the lamb/sheep
Gicele - their symbol is the rearing horse
Luscibelle - their symbol is the grapevine
Jernand - their symbol is the stag
Moneditte - their symbol is the owl
Paconne - their symbol is the rose
Vilette - their symbol is the crozier
Dedrenonne - their symbol is the harp

The Council of the Land

The Council of the Land is a collective of commoners who speak for the people. They are chosen from citizens by a Lord Chancellor. They serve for life. Members of the council come from all walks of life, from merchant to farmer. If a chosen member cannot read and write, they are taught as it is a needed skill to serve. From among the members a herald is chosen by the Winter Queen who serves at her pleasure.

The Council of the Court

The Council of the Court is made up of individuals who perform special duties for the Court, the Queens, the Capitol, or the Kingdom. From among the members a herald is chosen by the Autumn Queen who serves at her pleasure.

The Master Ornamentalist
The Master Alchemist
The High Guildmaster
The Ritual Master
The Master Physician
The Master Historian
The High Cuisinier
The High Chamberlain
The Palace Steward
The Seneschal
The Master Smith
The High Curator
The Privatdozent
The Master Architect
The High Rector
The Royal Treasurer
The High Arbiter
The High Marshal
The Master Arcanist
The High General
The High Emissary
The Royal Preceptor

Lord Chancellors

Lord Chancellors are essentially the ruling Mayors of the major cities of Tharros. They serve at the pleasure of the Autumn Queen. Disputes between mayors of smaller cities and towns are resolved by the local Lord Chancellor as to avoid favoritism by the ruling noble. Lord Chancellors appoint representatives to serve for them as an advisor to the Autumn Queen.
The break of dawn welcomes the Spring Queen
The warmth of midday inspires the Summer Queen
The cool of twilight tempers the Autumn Queen
The dark of night remembers the Winter Queen

The Laws of Tharros
All non-citizens, ambassadors, and citizens of Tharros are subject to her laws while within her borders. All ambassadors are held to noble standards of punishment in Tharros while within her land. Ignorance of law will be subject to the noble’s discretion upon punishment.

The punishments of the following crimes are subject to change by the noble or appointed sheriff with noble approval. Accused individuals are guilty until proven innocent, but have a right to trial by combat.

Major Crimes

Treason - As defined by the endangerment of Tharros, or its people. The punishment will be obliteration, and exile from the Kingdom of Tharros as a hostile enemy.

Necromancy – As defined by the casting of any chaos magics, necromantic rituals, or raising, aiding, or abetting of the undead. The convicted are formally marked by The Red Skull and executed.

Murder - As defined by the permanent death, resurrection, regeneration, or bottle resuscitation of the victim.

Ritual Assault - Punishment is subject to the noble and sheriff befitting of the crime.

Arson - A fine befitting of the damage, as well as services rendered back to the community.

Slavery - Immediate freedom of said slaves, and services rendered back to the community.

Minor Crimes

Assault – 5 gold crowns as a beginning fine, subject to change at any time by noble or sheriff order.

Theft - Cost of the items in question, plus a fine defined by noble or sheriff order.

Insubordination - 5 gold crowns as a beginning fine, subject to change at any time by noble or sheriff.

Mockery of a Noble Title - 5 gold crowns as a beginning fine, subject to change at any time by noble or sheriff order.

Poaching on Royal Grounds - 1 gold fine, subject to change at noble’s discretion.

Additional Laws

All rituals done within the borders of towns must be reported to the noble prior to beginning the ritual.

All citizens must have registered within the towns to account for population and resource management.

All non-citizens must have registered within their town of residence to account for population and resource management.
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The break of dawn welcomes the Spring Queen
The warmth of midday inspires the Summer Queen
The cool of twilight tempers the Autumn Queen
The dark of night remembers the Winter Queen

Holidays of The Kingdom of Tharros

Winter Accord

This holiday was celebrated first by the Karlik, and then, as Tharros became a place of thriving for all of its races, the event became a time for all to share in a night of celebrating and honoring the ancient accord between Volkigant and Zhelesokol.

Our ancestors believed that that Volkigant, a gargantuan wolf with fur as black and shiny as obsidian, was the reason for the night, as he would run across the sky evading the swooping attacks of Zhelesokol, a giant falcon made of iron polished until it glowed bright with its own light. This magnificent metal bird was said to cast sparks as its iron feathers rubbed against each other. While today we understand that what our ancestors observed was in truth the darkness of night when the sun sets , the moon moving across the sky, and that the “sparks” of Zhelesokol were only the stars, we continue to honor our ancestors, as well as give respect to the mysteries of life itself, in following their tradition of the Winter Accord celebration. It is a gathering of peace, as exemplified by the Accord itself, which teaches us that even mortal enemies are often entwined in purpose, and can find peace together.

Festival of Hope

Also originally a Karlik holiday, during the festival of hope you will find garlands and decorative vases adorn homes. The most common flowers are flowering quince, snowdrops, boxwood, winterberries, witch hazel, hellebores, grevillea, sarcococca, oso berries, sweet box, mock rush, and camellia.

The Festival of Hope is a celebration to remind the everyone that the long winter will end and to share the light of hope with family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. Families and businesses light hope candles, ice candles, and other special candles each night of the weeklong festival.

Hope Candles: Yellow or orange candles that are ornately decorated by carving, adding glass, stones, or gems, and various other embellishments and serve as the primary lights for the Festival of Hope.

Ice Candles: Candles made by pouring hot wax into a mold filled with ice. The shapes in the wax are used to determine the coming fortune of the household the candle was given as a gift to.

Traveler Candles: Inns, other businesses, and even households place Traveler Candles, which are purple, in the front windows or on the porch signifying there is a place to stay for free of charge for those unfortunate enough to find themselves traveling during the cold winter festival. These candles range from plane to richly ornate in appearance. If there is space for three travelers than three candles are placed and as the rooms or sleeping areas are filled, a candle is taken away until all are gone. The candles are then given to the traveler in the hopes that next year they will be able to host another traveler.

Fare Candles: Taverns, other businesses, and even households place Fare Candles, which are blue, in the front windows or on the porch signifying there is a meal for free of charge for those unfortunate enough to find themselves hungry during the cold winter festival. These candles range from plane to richly ornate in appearance. If there is enough for three meals then three candles are placed and as the meals are eaten, a candle is taken away until all are gone. The candles are then given to the less fortunate in the hopes that next year they will be able to provide fare to others.

Fortune telling is performed by casting hot wax into snow or icy water and the predictions made are based on the solid forms the wax takes. Also, ice candles are made for specific households and are given as gifts on the first day of the festival. They provide not only a prediction for the family's coming fortune, but light for the festival.

The last day, called Adumbrate, brave people jump into icy rivers or lakes nude or in their small clothes and the freezing shock is said to give the citizens flashes of the things to come in the New Year.
The break of dawn welcomes the Spring Queen
The warmth of midday inspires the Summer Queen
The cool of twilight tempers the Autumn Queen
The dark of night remembers the Winter Queen

Tharros months and current year.

The year is currently 3317 GA or Golden Age.

Jan Hellebores
Feb Pansy
Mar Daisy
Apr Lily
May Rose
Jun Aster
Jul Dahlia
Aug Penstemon
Sep Calendula
Oct Nemesia
Nov Snapdragon
Dec Cyclamen
Zodiac of Tharros

Each zodiac sign is associated with a Primary Plane, sometimes called the Elemental Planes. They are also, in pairs, associated with the four seasons. Some astrologists claim that those who become scholars or other magic users have an affinity for the magic tied to the Primary Plane they were born under.

Spring 21st of Daisy thru the 20th of Aster
The Healer Daisy 21 to Rose 4 - Life
The Student Rose 5 to Aster 20 - Lightning

Summer 21st of Aster thru the 20th of Calendula
The Jester Aster 21 to Penstemon 4 (Chaos)
The Warrior Pestemon 5 to Celendula 20 (Fire)

Autumn 21st of Calendula thru the 2oth of Cyclamen
The Ruler Calendula 21 thru Snapdragon 4 (Order)
The Artisan Snapdragon 5 thru Cyclamen 20 (Stone)

Winter 21st of Cyclamen thru the 21st of Daisy
The Rogue Cyclamen 21 thru Pansy 4 (Death)
The Scholar Pansy 5 thru Daisy 20 (Ice)

The Healer Daisy 21 to Rose 4 (Life/Spring)

Caring, Noble, Gullible, Naive

The Student Rose 5 to Aster 20 (Lightning/Spring)

Prepared, Pleasant, Immature, Reckless, Garrulous

The Jester Aster 21 to Penstemon 4 (Chaos/Summer)

Curious, Inquisitive, Eager, Wasteful, Distracted

The Warrior Pestemon 5 to Calendula 20 (Fire/Summer)

Loyal, Brave, Dutiful, Courageous to a Fault, Quick to Temper

The Ruler Calendula 21 thru Snapdragon 4 (Order/Autumn)

Charismatic, Thoughtful, Devoted, Stubborn, Plagued with Self Doubt

The Artisan Snapdragon 5 thru Cyclamen 20 (Stone/Autumn)

Perceptive, Intelligent, Popular, Persnickety, Malapert

The Rogue Cyclamen 21 thru Pansy 4 (Death/Winter)

Creative, Quiet, Loving, Greedy, Jealous

The Scholar Pansy 5 thru Daisy 20 (Ice/Winter)

Wise, Disciplined, Lonely, Know-it-all
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