Information Needed

Allendra is her name, and my, what a popular girl she is. What kind of information are you looking for?

-Hunter Davion
Her name is Allendra, and she's a girl. That's all the information I have!
I believe she's also a Celestial caster. It kind've seems to me she doubts her skills and needs more confidence, but that's just from me. She's also pretty friendly, so approaching her shouldn't be a problem. As for more information, Davion would be the one to ask as I think she travels frequently with him.

~Brother Icey of the Brotherhood of Light.
Don't answer questions about friends in the Dreaming to strangers. You can't hurt Gorka's Friend. Identify yourself if you want to know things. Gorka learn not to assume everyone is friend right away. somepeople are mean and crule and kill your brothers and friends and force you to be all alone in a cabin with no memory and only broken gasses and scorch marks and blood. To find spirits in the circle, not knowing who they are hoping that its some kolbolts insted of the missing ones you love. Not all things are friendly do not assume they are here to help. Tell us why you want this information and give me a resion to trust you.

- Healer Gorka
Healer of the Gadin Earth Guild
Stag Champion
Sister to Dure'dhel, Eric Musters, and Gandian
Cousin to Deputy York
Excuse me if I did not make my self known. I am in fact Sada and my question still remains. You may not no the reason behind my inquiring but I swear on my honor I do not intend to cause any harm.


IG- Sada
OOG- Charlotte