*bows* Hello all. I apologize for putting up a thread, but I could not seem to find a better one to post in, plus I noted that you guys said you were moving here from your main site, so I figured this'd be the better of both places. But, of course, just in case I registered there as well. Also, if there is actually a thread up already that covers all my questions, that I missed, by all means send me there.
Before I get to asking, if you guys know where to find a detailed description of each race outside of the Rule Book, I'd very much be interested in that. I could have sworn I saw something on that somewhere, but couldn't find anything on it.
Anyway, on to the point. I am coming from an Amtgard background and have been looking for something a bit....more. I overheard a couple of guys in my local gaming shop talk about your latest event. Through talking with them, they have gotten me fully interested and wanting to join in on the fun. The only thing is, I have a few questions that I can't seem to find a straight answer to in all of my forum delving and rule-reading.
Most of them just revolve around the money aspect.
-So, I notice it costs me to be a member. Okay, good, got it. But, do I go off of the cost that the main Alliance site posts, or do you guys have your own costs? It is the same question, essentially, for preregistering for an event. I looked at your preregister listings on your other site, and couldn't make tales of it. Just a little clarification is all I'd like.
-Do I "register"(essentially sign waver and create a character) with you guys, or the main site? Do I do that over the internet, or do I do it when I show up to an event? Do I have to pay to be a member when I create my first character even if I plan to NPC a few times, or is it only required when I actually plan to PC? Do you need to be a member to NPC? (Stupid question, but I figure it's worth asking) Do I have to turn in my background when I make my character? Do I turn it in to you guys, or the main site?
-I am also curious if you have to prepay when you preregister, or if preregistering and then paying at site is okay? Do you have to preregister/prepay if you plan to NPC?
There's really only one in-game question I have, well it's kinda in-game. For build-points/Craftsman, it mentions Logistics Periods. It says there's one at the beginning of every day, at least I'm pretty sure that's what I read. Does that mean that if I want to make things I have to stop by the Logistics area each morning, or is there actually only one Logistics Period, which is at the beginning of the Event? Then, if you could be so kind as to clarify the points at which Craftsman is paid, that would be grand.
Otherwise, coming from Amtgard, I've watched videos, read the Rule Book from cover to cover, read a lot of forum posts, and pretty much done a lot of research to say I'm comfortable with everything else about the game. At least to a point that I don't think I need to ask here and if it comes up, it'll be after I'm already in the thick of it.
Oh, and my girlfriend wanted me to ask a question. I find it funny, but I'll ask it anyway. She says that there are a few races she wants to try, but isn't comfortable doing the makeup "just yet" and was curious if there was a creative work around for some? If so, which ones and how? And, what is the Gypsy Accent? Is it an actual set accent, or is just you need to have an accent?
I have looked through all the forums pertaining to the topics I'm curious on, both on your site and the main site. I know there's a lot here, lol sorry about that, so if you'd rather e-mail me, that'd be grand as well. I'd just like a little more of a handle on this before I get to doing anything serious.
Don't know if it's listed with me or not so here's my e-mail:
Before I get to asking, if you guys know where to find a detailed description of each race outside of the Rule Book, I'd very much be interested in that. I could have sworn I saw something on that somewhere, but couldn't find anything on it.
Anyway, on to the point. I am coming from an Amtgard background and have been looking for something a bit....more. I overheard a couple of guys in my local gaming shop talk about your latest event. Through talking with them, they have gotten me fully interested and wanting to join in on the fun. The only thing is, I have a few questions that I can't seem to find a straight answer to in all of my forum delving and rule-reading.
Most of them just revolve around the money aspect.
-So, I notice it costs me to be a member. Okay, good, got it. But, do I go off of the cost that the main Alliance site posts, or do you guys have your own costs? It is the same question, essentially, for preregistering for an event. I looked at your preregister listings on your other site, and couldn't make tales of it. Just a little clarification is all I'd like.
-Do I "register"(essentially sign waver and create a character) with you guys, or the main site? Do I do that over the internet, or do I do it when I show up to an event? Do I have to pay to be a member when I create my first character even if I plan to NPC a few times, or is it only required when I actually plan to PC? Do you need to be a member to NPC? (Stupid question, but I figure it's worth asking) Do I have to turn in my background when I make my character? Do I turn it in to you guys, or the main site?
-I am also curious if you have to prepay when you preregister, or if preregistering and then paying at site is okay? Do you have to preregister/prepay if you plan to NPC?
There's really only one in-game question I have, well it's kinda in-game. For build-points/Craftsman, it mentions Logistics Periods. It says there's one at the beginning of every day, at least I'm pretty sure that's what I read. Does that mean that if I want to make things I have to stop by the Logistics area each morning, or is there actually only one Logistics Period, which is at the beginning of the Event? Then, if you could be so kind as to clarify the points at which Craftsman is paid, that would be grand.
Otherwise, coming from Amtgard, I've watched videos, read the Rule Book from cover to cover, read a lot of forum posts, and pretty much done a lot of research to say I'm comfortable with everything else about the game. At least to a point that I don't think I need to ask here and if it comes up, it'll be after I'm already in the thick of it.
Oh, and my girlfriend wanted me to ask a question. I find it funny, but I'll ask it anyway. She says that there are a few races she wants to try, but isn't comfortable doing the makeup "just yet" and was curious if there was a creative work around for some? If so, which ones and how? And, what is the Gypsy Accent? Is it an actual set accent, or is just you need to have an accent?
I have looked through all the forums pertaining to the topics I'm curious on, both on your site and the main site. I know there's a lot here, lol sorry about that, so if you'd rather e-mail me, that'd be grand as well. I'd just like a little more of a handle on this before I get to doing anything serious.
Don't know if it's listed with me or not so here's my e-mail: