Interested Player Help

*bows* Hello all. I apologize for putting up a thread, but I could not seem to find a better one to post in, plus I noted that you guys said you were moving here from your main site, so I figured this'd be the better of both places. But, of course, just in case I registered there as well. Also, if there is actually a thread up already that covers all my questions, that I missed, by all means send me there.

Before I get to asking, if you guys know where to find a detailed description of each race outside of the Rule Book, I'd very much be interested in that. I could have sworn I saw something on that somewhere, but couldn't find anything on it.

Anyway, on to the point. I am coming from an Amtgard background and have been looking for something a bit....more. I overheard a couple of guys in my local gaming shop talk about your latest event. Through talking with them, they have gotten me fully interested and wanting to join in on the fun. The only thing is, I have a few questions that I can't seem to find a straight answer to in all of my forum delving and rule-reading.

Most of them just revolve around the money aspect.
-So, I notice it costs me to be a member. Okay, good, got it. But, do I go off of the cost that the main Alliance site posts, or do you guys have your own costs? It is the same question, essentially, for preregistering for an event. I looked at your preregister listings on your other site, and couldn't make tales of it. Just a little clarification is all I'd like.
-Do I "register"(essentially sign waver and create a character) with you guys, or the main site? Do I do that over the internet, or do I do it when I show up to an event? Do I have to pay to be a member when I create my first character even if I plan to NPC a few times, or is it only required when I actually plan to PC? Do you need to be a member to NPC? (Stupid question, but I figure it's worth asking) Do I have to turn in my background when I make my character? Do I turn it in to you guys, or the main site?
-I am also curious if you have to prepay when you preregister, or if preregistering and then paying at site is okay? Do you have to preregister/prepay if you plan to NPC?

There's really only one in-game question I have, well it's kinda in-game. For build-points/Craftsman, it mentions Logistics Periods. It says there's one at the beginning of every day, at least I'm pretty sure that's what I read. Does that mean that if I want to make things I have to stop by the Logistics area each morning, or is there actually only one Logistics Period, which is at the beginning of the Event? Then, if you could be so kind as to clarify the points at which Craftsman is paid, that would be grand.

Otherwise, coming from Amtgard, I've watched videos, read the Rule Book from cover to cover, read a lot of forum posts, and pretty much done a lot of research to say I'm comfortable with everything else about the game. At least to a point that I don't think I need to ask here and if it comes up, it'll be after I'm already in the thick of it.

Oh, and my girlfriend wanted me to ask a question. I find it funny, but I'll ask it anyway. She says that there are a few races she wants to try, but isn't comfortable doing the makeup "just yet" and was curious if there was a creative work around for some? If so, which ones and how? And, what is the Gypsy Accent? Is it an actual set accent, or is just you need to have an accent?

I have looked through all the forums pertaining to the topics I'm curious on, both on your site and the main site. I know there's a lot here, lol sorry about that, so if you'd rather e-mail me, that'd be grand as well. I'd just like a little more of a handle on this before I get to doing anything serious.

Don't know if it's listed with me or not so here's my e-mail:
*bows* Hello all. I apologize for putting up a thread, but I could not seem to find a better one to post in, plus I noted that you guys said you were moving here from your main site, so I figured this'd be the better of both places. But, of course, just in case I registered there as well. Also, if there is actually a thread up already that covers all my questions, that I missed, by all means send me there.

Before I get to asking, if you guys know where to find a detailed description of each race outside of the Rule Book, I'd very much be interested in that. I could have sworn I saw something on that somewhere, but couldn't find anything on it.

Hi and welcome! You can find more information about the races in this thread which is the National Race Packet thread. Additionally, in Seattle we have multiple Culture Packets for you to create your character from. Here is a brief description of the cultures (very brief!), but you need to have a character of the noted race in our database before we send you the culture packet. The intent is that each culture has a basic understanding of the other cultures, but really knows most about their own culture. :)

Anyway, on to the point. I am coming from an Amtgard background and have been looking for something a bit....more. I overheard a couple of guys in my local gaming shop talk about your latest event. Through talking with them, they have gotten me fully interested and wanting to join in on the fun. The only thing is, I have a few questions that I can't seem to find a straight answer to in all of my forum delving and rule-reading.

Most of them just revolve around the money aspect.
-So, I notice it costs me to be a member. Okay, good, got it. But, do I go off of the cost that the main Alliance site posts, or do you guys have your own costs? It is the same question, essentially, for preregistering for an event. I looked at your preregister listings on your other site, and couldn't make tales of it. Just a little clarification is all I'd like.
In Alliance Seattle we require a membership mostly to help us with our insurance costs. We aren't going to say you can't play our game without a membership, because we still want your patronage, but without a membership you cannot spend "Goblin Stamps" on missed games in Alliance Seattle. Membership is just $15 for the year.

I am not sure what you mean by "main Alliance site posts". We, in Alliance Seattle, only have the one post. There is no National Membership fee; each membership is on a Chapter-by-Chapter basis.

-Do I "register"(essentially sign waver and create a character) with you guys, or the main site? Do I do that over the internet, or do I do it when I show up to an event? Do I have to pay to be a member when I create my first character even if I plan to NPC a few times, or is it only required when I actually plan to PC? Do you need to be a member to NPC? (Stupid question, but I figure it's worth asking) Do I have to turn in my background when I make my character? Do I turn it in to you guys, or the main site?
Good question! Your best bet is to send an e-mail to with the skills you wish to purchase for your character. They will help you get all of the information a new player would need such as a waiver and stuff. You could wait until you are on site, but it is much more convenient for everyone involved if you coordinate before the game.

Since membership is tied to our ability to pay for insurance we really want people to pay the membership fee regardless of if you are NPCing. That said, as I said earlier, not paying your membership only makes it so you cannot spend Goblin Stamps on missed games. Goblin Stamps are a form of out-of-game currency we award for helping the chapter (such as NPCing) and they have a good number of uses, so it is generally a good thing to be able to spend them. :)

You do not need to be a member to PC or NPC, but being a member helps us out!

You are not required to have a background for your PC, but we encourage it. If you submit a background for your character you are awarded 60 Goblin Stamps which are immediately spent (without needing the membership) on Experience for your character, effectively leveling them up. We highly recommend that you create your backstory based on the culture packets if your character is based in Alliance Seattle. You can send your background to

-I am also curious if you have to prepay when you preregister, or if preregistering and then paying at site is okay? Do you have to preregister/prepay if you plan to NPC?

Pre-paying is not required, but pre-paying costs less than waiting. Generally, your average weekend event costs:
$46.60 if you pre-pay and pre-register
$55 at the door if you only pre-register
$65 at the door if you neither pre-pay or pre-register

NPCing is free. But letting us know ahead of time that you will be attending helps us prepare role(s) for you.

We also are providing a food plan to our players that includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner, and Sunday breakfast. The cost is $25 for PCs and $15 for NPCs. We need people to tell us ahead of time that they want to be part of the food plan so we make sure we have enough food.

There's really only one in-game question I have, well it's kinda in-game. For build-points/Craftsman, it mentions Logistics Periods. It says there's one at the beginning of every day, at least I'm pretty sure that's what I read. Does that mean that if I want to make things I have to stop by the Logistics area each morning, or is there actually only one Logistics Period, which is at the beginning of the Event? Then, if you could be so kind as to clarify the points at which Craftsman is paid, that would be grand.

If you mean Production Points for skills such as Create Potion, Alchemy, and the like then you get 5 Production Points per Logistics period to use to create something in your appropriate field. The lists of what you can make can be found on page 55 and 56 of the rulebook.

If you mean the Craftsman skill, then that represents your character having a skill that they get paid to perform. As such, they receive 1 silver per Logistics period. Plot may, at their discretion, use your Craftsman skill(s) when giving you information.

A Logistics period goes from (roughly) 6pm to 6pm ... ish. Logistics takes place around 6pm (5pm - 7pm or something like that; Emily or Denise will likely correct me) for characters to go through Logistics. At that time you may spend your Production Points on items or receive your 1 silver per Craftsman skill, as applicable.

Otherwise, coming from Amtgard, I've watched videos, read the Rule Book from cover to cover, read a lot of forum posts, and pretty much done a lot of research to say I'm comfortable with everything else about the game. At least to a point that I don't think I need to ask here and if it comes up, it'll be after I'm already in the thick of it.

Oh, and my girlfriend wanted me to ask a question. I find it funny, but I'll ask it anyway. She says that there are a few races she wants to try, but isn't comfortable doing the makeup "just yet" and was curious if there was a creative work around for some? If so, which ones and how? And, what is the Gypsy Accent? Is it an actual set accent, or is just you need to have an accent?

All races that have a physical appearance requirement must obviously be of that race. That is usually represented by make-up and prosthetics, but some races can get away with using masks, such as Sarr and Wylderkin. I have also seen a High Orc using a mask. Masks have their own problems; they aren't better than make-up, just different. It is unlikely you'll be able to play a Stone Elf or Dark Elf without make-up, though.

The gypsy accents are not specific. I had a gypsy with an Irish accent, for instance. Most gypsy players, though, default to a Romanian accent as a lot of the culture is based on the Romani. That said, you are free to use whatever accent you want, but we ask that you not use anything too modern (i.e. the New Yorker accent may be a bit anachronistic).

I have looked through all the forums pertaining to the topics I'm curious on, both on your site and the main site. I know there's a lot here, lol sorry about that, so if you'd rather e-mail me, that'd be grand as well. I'd just like a little more of a handle on this before I get to doing anything serious.

Don't know if it's listed with me or not so here's my e-mail:
Thanks for your interest! Should you have additional questions you can continue to ask them here or send them to our New Player Liaisons at

I hope this helps!

Seth Bird
Alliance Seattle Plot
It does help greatly. :) Thanks a lot.

When I said "Main Site", for some reason I was assuming Ashbury to be the main site. So, my apologies for the assumption.

When you say meal plan for the event, does that mean you have to pay that 'on top' of what you pay to preregister? Example: I preregister + prepay = $46.60, but I want the meal plan for PC, so instead of $46.60, it now costs $71.60

Or, is it included with the original cost?

And, I believe lastly, if I start with levels in Spells, whether Earth or Celestial, or levels in Alchemy, how many recipes/spells do I start with? For example: If I have 3 level 1 spells, does that mean that I start off knowing 3 of the 4 level 1 spells, or do I start off knowing only 1 level 1 spell and can cast it 3 times?

I do know you pick which three you start with during each Logistics Period, but are they any 3 of a level you know? Like I take 1 level in Earth Magic. Does that mean I know all four spells, but I can only pick one a Logistics Period to use? Or does it mean I know only 1 spell, and therefore I can only choose it?

Then Alchemy: Say I have 3 levels of Alchemy. I know I get 15 Production Points, but, and this is assuming, if I start with those 3 levels, does that mean that I know 3 recipes to start, or is it just one, or what?

I know that if I want to learn more recipes, I have to learn them, at least that's what I was lead to believe, through my time playing, whether it's taught by another Character or I find it as treasure.
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The cost of the meal plan is in addition to the cost of the event itself. So you are correct, if you wish to be fed, you pre-register and pre-pay as a PC the cost is $71.60. If you bring your own food it's $46.60. It is still an amazing deal for food, for $5 per meal you'll be eating well and won't have to bring your own rations.

For spells, you'll start with a number of spells equal to the number of spell slots you have. If you start with 2 1st level spell slots and 1 2nd level slot, you'll have 2 1st, 1 2nd level spell of your choice in your spell book.

For alchemy, you start with a number of recipes of your choice that you could make in one batch without a workshop. In other words, if you have 3 ranks of alchemy, which produce 15 production points you could have: 1 15pp recipe, 1 10pp & 1 5pp recipe, or 3 5pp recipes.

However, remember those goblin stamps mentioned above? You can purchase a full celestial or full earth book for 600GS, or an almost full alchemy book (missing Amnesia & Love Potion #9) for 300GS. You can also borrow someone's spell/alchemy book to memorize from or even scribe their spells/recipes into your own book, though in the case of spells this costs money for spell ink.
Alright. :) Thank you very much. Most helpful.

I'm Evan, one of the New Player Reps for Alliance-Seattle. Thanks for checking us out!

As Seth pointed out, feel free to fire any questions you might have at We definitely want to make your first impression of our game as fantastic as possible.

Also, I happen to be a Marshal and on the Logistics team, so outside of a Plot subject, I can either help you with most anything. If we can't answer it, we will know who can. :)
Last question, then any others I'll shoot at If you decide to NPC, and the Logistics crew decided you should play a Tavern Wench for example, are you allowed to decline and take a different role? ie you don't feel comfortable dressing or acting that particular role.
The Plot team decides what NPC role you'll be playing. NPCing is very dynamic so you won't be just one role for the whole weekend. That said, if you do not feel comfortable playing a particular role we'll work with you to try to find roles you're fine with.