Into the Darkness - Isawda team for the Dungeon Run


Even in the city, the muttering of Dark Voices interrupts the sleep of Isawda. The Duregar Stone must be further investigated to see if the damage done by the corrupt catalyst can be corrected.
The team so far is:
Mike / Isawda (confirmed)
Shawna / Morrigan (confirmed)
Gabe / Dayna (confirmed)
Mark / Magnus (confirmed)
Brooke / Malathon (confirmed)

Isawda can only hope that there are sill a few more willing to brave the darkness. Perhaps someone with skill with locks and traps, and even one tainted by the Arcane.
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LOL! So far an underwhelming response!
hey 5/7 aint bad! Still lots of time and players that can join in. :-)
Oh I hope this is a cheerful song with a happy ending! <grin>
Do not worry Isawda! YOU ARE SAFE! Thats what you pay me for.
Big tank, big archery, big Arcane, and LIFE spells. If you are looking for a group to join, I am just sayin... <grin>
Hey! Who you calling Big? :p