Introduction dudes to the people who don't know me


I've met most of you since we're all kind of a tight nit group of people. But, I've played very few events recently. Work and stuff.

But, I was missing running a game dearly (So I convinced Chad and Travis we should start writing ideas down back when Matt and Josh were wrapping their plot up). I just switched jobs, and was working in the mobile game area. Since I'm not doing game stuff, I've had a really bad itch to do game stuff.

So. For those of you I haven't met. My name is Chris Ingebrigtsen. I've been playing some incarnation of this game since I was 12. (I'm 25 now). I was general manager for Nero Midwest for 3 years during college, on top of running a large part of the game there. I helped set up the chapter that replaced it until college took up to much of my time. I studied Game Development in College and while my concentration was in Software Engineering, I took quite a few design courses. I've got a few published games. One got an 8.0 on IGN. That's pretty cool I guess. I'm pretty excited to apply some of my game design theory stuff to Nero.

Chad, Travis, and myself are all really excited for this opportunity to run stuff for everyone. I used to be terrible at taking criticism. I've worked really hard on that. So if you ever feel like something is dumb, or you disagree, or you need to vent. Feel free to talk to me. My skins pretty tough now. As fun should be the end all goal of anything that's going on. And if you're not having fun, something is wrong and we have to fix it.

EDIT: Oh, I guess I should note. I don't actually live in Michigan. I live in Chicago proper. But, you dudes are cool enough for me to drive.
Great bio dude! Thanks for posting that up and letting us get to know you a little better. I look forward to you Chad and Travis running! See you soon.

As I said when I met you at the game.....your facebook posts were intro enough. I often find myself laughing at your comments. I would love to check out your games. I have always been a player and dabbler myself. I have a few friends that work at Mythic and Bungee and some friends and I have tried our hands at designing a card game that turned out pretty cool. maybe you can bring some of the game stuff in game....for the House of Games....

look forward to the coming events, so far I have had a blast with Chad and Travis as Pcs.
Well I've been away for a while so I felt an introduction/reintroduction was necessary. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad, check out bitFLIP and or Kitten Cannon (while Kitten Cannon wasn't my game, the company that owns the ip needed a lot of work to make it ok, I spent a lot of work on it).

Any who, I'm really excited to be back in the swing of it. And I'm even more excited that you think I'm funny.
Also, that's awesome.

I know a bunch of dudes who use to work at Bungee, that split off and did Wideload. Cool dudes.

If you're interested in getting to know me better, Twitter works (@alkalin3) or facebook.

Twitter is good if you like to see me make Stevie feel bad about himself.
