Is Arcane Armor an Item [Armor]?


I was trying to figure out if Arcane Armor items (i.e. a non-Physical Armor item enchanted with the Arcane Armor Ritual) counted as an Item [Armor]? If it does, then it is a valid target for many of the armor-enhancing rituals such as Fortify Armor. Although it seems clear to me that such an interpretation would vastly improve Arcane Armor when such an enhancement is un-needed, I couldn't find any official rulings or rulebook citings that make it clear that it NOT intended this way. I found one clarification that said that all "Item [Armor]" references refer to Physical Armor, but I wanted to put the nail in.
Arcane Armor is not considered Armor (item) for the purpose of targeting with rituals. Armor (item) for rituals refers to the adventuring equipment (armor).

Weird case clarification If an Arcane Armor is put on an Armor (item) you can only benefit from one source of armor at a time. If there are other effects also put on that armor they are targeting the adventuring equipment Armor (item) that happens to have an arcane armor ritual on it and not the arcane armor ritual itself, as arcane armor is a ritual effect and not a item target.
Arcane Armor is not considered Armor (item) for the purpose of targeting with rituals. Armor (item) for rituals refers to the adventuring equipment (armor).

Weird case clarification If an Arcane Armor is put on an Armor (item) you can only benefit from one source of armor at a time. If there are other effects also put on that armor they are targeting the adventuring equipment Armor (item) that happens to have an arcane armor ritual on it and not the arcane armor ritual itself, as arcane armor is a ritual effect and not a item target.
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