Is it always so cold here?


It's still pretty cold out around here, I was kinda hoping that maybe it would warm up soon. I still can't find Alexander, I'm not sure where he went, but he always says he doesn't have time ta just wait around for Jehyu to catch up. Most of the folks seem ta have left, does anyone maybe have an extra spot I could sleep at when it's cold out? I could help keep things clean, and maybe make some stuff if you have extra supplies sitting around....I found some nice things that maybe I could trade if you want....otherwise I hope it warms up soon, I'm not used to places this cold.

Lurin said:
It's still pretty cold out around here, I was kinda hoping that maybe it would warm up soon. I still can't find Alexander, I'm not sure where he went, but he always says he doesn't have time ta just wait around for Jehyu to catch up. Most of the folks seem ta have left, does anyone maybe have an extra spot I could sleep at when it's cold out? I could help keep things clean, and maybe make some stuff if you have extra supplies sitting around....I found some nice things that maybe I could trade if you want....otherwise I hope it warms up soon, I'm not used to places this cold.



I haven't left town yet. If you'd like, you can stay in my room at the Tavern.

May the Light shine upon every footfall,

Brother Eric Marsters
Brotherhood of the Light