Is It Wrong.......

No, nine, nyet.
IvanDrake said:
...... that I'm starting to get really excited for the first event?

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

I'm glad to hear it.

Pfff. It was January and I was like, "IT'S COLD. ALLIANCE IS COMING."

Curse you, Amelia, for getting me hooked on this druuug!

You should see me. LOL

Besides, you should be excited, if you aren't there really isn't any point in going. :)

aara said:
Besides, you should be excited, if you aren't there really isn't any point in going. :)

If this were only true...

Not that I'm not looking forward to the event, because I am. But I've been to the game and moreso to the site many times when I wasnt' excited.

If there was a way to hoard bottles of Alliance under the sink, I would do it. Around New Years, my hands start shaking from withdrawal and don't stop until the season starts.
I don't have a LARPing problem, I can stop whenever I want!
Duke Frost said:
If this were only true...

Not that I'm not looking forward to the event, because I am. But I've been to the game and moreso to the site many times when I wasnt' excited.


Me too, Scott, me too. Now that my free time is SO limited, I feel like it's not worth it to do something I'm not excited about. Turning over a new leaf, I'm being a bearer of positive energy :) So... everyone get excited - I'LL be there!

(Yeah, I really don't mean that self-centered bit, but it was fun to say)
If it is a drug, it a rather inexpensive one, and it comes with these side effects, meeting a great group of people, getting fresh air and exercise, laughing uncontrollable at some point, wearing lost of make up and oh yea 48 hours away from yourself. Sign me up as for this please, oh wait. :funny:
Yeah, it was pretty much the first week of the semester, I had a snow day, and I spent every minute of it getting hyped for this season. The hype has not stopped!
Man, if my excitedness for this event continues to build at the rate it has been going, I may just freaking explode before the weekend even happens!!! SO MUCH HYPE!!!!
(PS: CURSE YOU MAGGIE AND INCIDENTALLY AMELIA AS WELL! ... Except JK- In all honesty, THANKS for getting me into this awesomeness! :D)
Its awesome to be excited, awesome to make so many new friends and fun to beat on them during the season. Plus who doesn't like playing pretend for a whole weekend?

p.richard said:
Why don't you guys play in the winter? Too cold or something?

Paul Iverson

No heat at the site. I'm all for winter larping (I actually prefer January to July), but you need to have someplace to get warm at some point.