I's wish to makes a public apology.


Fer t'ose not privy to the events for which I's is about to apologize, lets me illiterate as bes' I can.
It seems t'at thee Alpha-were returned to Westhaven n' threatened grievous harm upon the adventures at large.
Ser Seril nee-go-she-ated wit the monster in a forms a treaty t'at involved the sac-re-fice of ,no less t'en, four of our fine adventuring defenders of Wayside, to the bite from the Alpha-Were.
T'at long toothed bestie assured anyone w'o was so willing, be warned dat t'ey will evther turn oor have thier spirt shattered.

I's have, ins the intrest of protecting other from unnecessary 'arm, offered me self to the Alpha-were as one of the tributes, since I 'ad already been bit n survived me first full moon.
But as some of ya may or may not knows, after much personal debate I's agreed to 'ave me aspect removed in a ritual by Lord Bluewater, W'o was more than gracious enough to absorb the cost.

So now as I've made the choice to accecpt a nother bite, along wit' me fellow tributes, for the protection of all, I's need to apologize, to Lord Bluewater an' anyone w'o assisted or supported me last year w'en I wanted to 'ave me aspect removed, an' fer settin in motion an undoing of all yer fine efforts.

I's also wish to vow 'ere n' now; I will, to thee best of me abilities, NOT allows me self to be used as weapon against me friends an' fellow adventures. I asks you all t'at if it comes to t'at to please send me to Earth circle as many times as nessascary to keeps me from being used as said weapon.

I's m now off to spend time at Forgotten Hope wit' the children incase I don't get to return t'ere, as t'ey 'ave 'elped fill a large void in the 'eart of this old drunk.

I hope to see you all at next faire.


You know I stand with you.

You also know I promised to insure no matter what you will be able to spend time with the children again... Even if once a month you have to find a different place to rest for a short time.

Forgotten Hope is your home too and you are a needed and valued member. The children love you- we all love you.

You did the right thing and I will support you however I can.

Yours In service,

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I'll accept your apology in the circle, after the results of your decision make themselves all too tragically clear to you.

Don't expect my sympathy.

-Lord Enan Bluewater