Item for trade


I have an item for trade that I found a few months back if any are interested, its a small stone that retains the muscle memory to perform a 'dodge' a single time. My ideal trade would include components, especially truesilver, fangtooth and Penna but I am also willing to consider coin offers.

Obviously while this is a value able item, it is not greatly so so I will not be going through the motions of an auctions, simply the first person who I can reach an agreeable deal with should be fine.
Friend, you have not included your name in your missive however I would be interested in making some sort of trade for this item. I can offer components and/or coin. If you would like to contact me privately now we can work out the details or we can work them out at the upcoming gather. In either case I will be at the gather to deal if you will be there.

May the stars shine on your paths,
-Mage Eldarion Avari
Ah my mistake and apologies, I am getting too used to people recognizing my voice, I will send you a personal missive as well good Mage Avari.

Barrister Enan Bluewater
My thanks for everyone interested in this item, I have reach an agreement for its sale and thus can no longer take offers.

- Enan Bluewater