Item of Power for Sale



Due to some recent costs I have incurred I am offering up an Item of Power from my personal stock to hopefully replenish my stocks.

The item in question is small, easy to carry, and quite attractive in my mind. It has the power to invoke a prison twice per day and I do not believe it's magics will ever unravel. It is tied closely to the lands of Arandin (NJ), but I found it travels to most locations I frequently visit such as Wayside and Valdanis.

Generally when I see such things go up for sale it is for trade of rare items, which may make this a unique opportunity as I am principly looking for hard coin and ritual components, specifically Truesilver and Nightshade in large amounts, that will last at least through spring, or any component that might travel and will last at least a few years yet. Although a Race Change set in the Lands of Asyl, Valdanis, or Wayside would also likely assure you this item.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in and willing to make an offer on, I have no timeline on when I need to sell this, but I would like to complete any such transaction before the snows of winter break.


Enan Bluewater.
Greetings Enan,

I am most curious if your timeline has been met or if you still have this item in your possession for sale. Feel free to contact me further privately.

Little of the LittleLeaf Trading Co.