its how big?

Frank Wiccan

I was looking over the site on google maps and google earth and I have to ask...
how large is the Faire play site?
on the map where abouts are the borders of the site?
if you could (and get a chance) to use paintshop on the map and draw the borders so we can see where the lands start and end that would be neat!


PS: if you put it on the farie play site can you link it in reply :D

Frank Wiccan said:
I was looking over the site on google maps and google earth and I have to ask...
how large is the Faire play site?
on the map where abouts are the borders of the site?
if you could (and get a chance) to use paintshop on the map and draw the borders so we can see where the lands start and end that would be neat!


PS: if you put it on the farie play site can you link it in reply :D


It's about 40 acres more or less.

I'd say we're using maybe 15% of the land so far. That's one of the projects we'd love help with -- building more paths through the woods!

(Here's the google map if anyone is interested: ... 54039&z=11 -- be sure to use the sattelite view! Not sure how old this picture is, though...
will wonders never cease. I can finally post again! That sat view is great. I love how the "terrain" tab shows that hill we all run up and down in all its "glory". :lol:
The terrain tab is misleading. It makes it look like the northern side of the site (where the barn is located) is less steep than the other side.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Um, it is less steep where the barn is. Climb the hill to the top to find out for sure :-)

Also, in the south we own just about to where the woods stop and it opens up again. We also own just to the west of the pond and to the east we own to the treeline in the northeast and pretty much straight down south from there.
Doh! I meant the terrain tab makes it look *steeper* on the north side than the south side.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake