I've Got Things to Mention!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey everyone! It's Silp!

So, I've got a handful of things on my mind that I'd love other people to help with! Some of them are for specific people, some of them are for everyone! So, here we go:

To Specific Folks: I want your help!

Hey Asura! Hey Zima! Hey Sebastian! Hey Biff! Hey TadRon!

I have a super important special thing that I've been workin' on, and I think that y'all're just the right folks to help me make it succeed! I know that we might seem like a weird group of people to call together, but trust me, I think we'll be perfect for what needs doing! It won't be very action-packed, but it's not your weapons or magic that I'm lookin' for to make this happen - it's just the way you are as people!

It'll be way easier for me to explain what all is goin' on if I explain it more in person, but if any/all of you are interested in helpin', let me know and I'll be sure to fill you in with the details!

To the Pride: Wanna chase someone down?

Hey Zima! Hey Shikaar! Hey Haraka! Hey Shiraa! Hey tall-gray-one-whose-name-I'm-completely-blankin'-on-and-I-feel-really-bad-about-it!

I've got someone that needs trackin' down and capturin', and while he's got some fancy tricks up his sleeves for gettin' away really fast and makin' himself hard to find, I still think he's no match for my favorite group of Sarr! Y'all got great eyes, ears, and noses for the hunt and are the fastest hunters I know, and so while the guy I'm lookin' to capture is quick and I don't know exactly where he is, I still have complete faith that you'd be the best folks for the job! I think I have a decent way of figuring out the general area he's in, then we can send in the Sarr and get him!

If you can capture him and make sure he doesn't escape until we can turn him in to the High Magistrate, I can reward you somehow if you want! So, let me know if you're interested and I can tell you more about the situation!

To Alchemists: Where'd Enslavement #9 come from?

Hey alchemists, like Arsita!

I know that the problem with Enslavement #9 has been around for a little bit and that we're made huge progress against it by managin' to discover the Antidote to it (good job, Arsita!), but I've heard conflictin' stories about where it came from in the first place and I'm lookin' to get that all hammered out! Maybe two different sources started makin' Enslavement #9 at the same time? But that's probably not very likely!

So, if you know anything definitive about how this nasty stuff came to exist in the first place, let me know! I'd love to hear what you know!

To Everyone: Got a Gift of Life?

I know that this has sorta come up kinda often lately, but does anyone have a Gift of Life scroll?

Let me know if you do and I'll see what I can offer you for it!

To Everyone: Ever find illegal stuff?

So, I know this has come up before, but with folks gatherin' again for the first time in the year soon, I thought it'd be a good idea to mention it again!

In case people didn't know, High Magistrate Stillroot told me to take charge on gatherin' up any illegal stuff that the adventurers find (like Necromancy potions and Euphoria elixirs) and turnin' it over to the Magistrates! We're doin' this so that we can monitor the distribution of the illegal stuff across the area, as well as to have special potioners and alchemists look at the illegal stuff for unique traits that help lead us to their source!

It's been goin' really well so far, but I'm still lookin' for people to bring me the illegal stuff they find! So if you ever find an illegal potion or elixir, don't just pour it out or have the Earth Guild destroy it - bring it to me and I'll put it in my Black Bag of Illegal, which I usually empty out to the Magistrates at the end of every day!

Every illegal thing we find, the closer we can get to shuttin' down the people that're makin' them and spreadin' them around, so let's work together and make it happen!

To Everyone: Got any copper?

Remember when I was collectin' up copper last year? Well, I'm doin' it again this Spring!

There's been a lot of troubles throughout Wayside recently and there're a lot of good, honest, common people across the country that are really scared for what's comin' next! That's no good! So, just like I did after the end of the Civil War, I want to go around to all the
different Duchies again and do what I can to raise morale, spreadin' around a few copper to the people that need it! After all, if you're really scared and strugglin', havin' someone tell you that things are gonna be alright and give you a few copper for your family's next meal can go a long way to makin' you feel better!

So, if you've got even just a few copper that you'd be willin' to put towards that, come find me! A lot of people givin' just a few copper each adds up to be a lot of copper in the end, after all!

If you want to change out ten copper for a silver, I can do that! If you want to change out a hundred copper for a gold, I can do that, too! Or if you just want to give me copper that you don't want and is just takin' up space in your pouch for free, that's great too, but I am willin' to pay you for the copper if you want!

Thanks in advance to everyone that chips in copper to make Wayside a happier place!


Well, I think that's all that I have for now, but I miiiiiight have another thing or two that I forgot! If I think of anything, I'll be sure to let you know!

~ Silp
Hail to thee, Silp! Good to see the change of seasons has treated you well!

I shall endeavor to be out at the next Market, at the latest by the highest position of the sun on Saturday, and would love to speak with you further about assisting you!

See you then!

Biff Sterling, Adventurer... AT LAAARGE!!!
<In a calm voice>
Silp, I will entertain your words at the next gather.

Keep in mind, you have already set boundaries within our relationship when you were unkind and deceitful to this Biata upon my arrival in Wayside.

Sebastian Sheaux
Wait, what did I do? I didn't know I did somethin' unkind! If I did, I definitely didn't mean to and it must've been an accident! People tell me I'm a little oblivious sometimes, but that's no excuse for me bein' mean to someone, especially someone I like, like you! I've always liked you, I've always enjoyed talkin' to you and havin' you around, and I didn't know I offended you before! Seriously, I'm way sorry that I ever did somethin' bad and I hope that I can make it up to you somehow!

Can we talk about how I messed up? 'Cause I seriously didn't mean to do the unkind thing I did and I want to make things right between us!

~ Silp
<In a calm voice>
Silp I will listen to your proposal without judgment. We will discuss our personal issues after..

Sebastian Sheaux