January Event 2012!!! (Three-Day!!)

Alliance Seattle's next event is January 13-16 at Millersylvania State Park ELC. This will be a Long Weekend. You can check out the event teaser here.

You may Pre-Pay this event by using Paypal to send $72.50 to allianceseattle@gmail.com. Don't forget to put down your character name. You may Pay-no-Play by sending payment to this address as well. Do not send your pre-registration to this address. Pre-Pay pricing ends December 31st. In order to qualify for the Pre-Pay price (so that you do not owe money at the door), you must also Pre-Register. Pre-Registration must be sent to logistics@alliance-seattle.com by January 6th.

If you Pre-Register by January 6th but do not Pre-Pay, your at-the-door price will be $80. If you neither pre-pay nor pre-register the cost at-the-door will be $90.
Basic Pages' cost will be $32.50 Pre-Pay, $40 if only Pre-Registered, or $50 at-the-door, while Advanced Pages' cost will be $42.50 Pre-Pay, $50 in only Pre-Registered, or $60 at-the-door.

If you intend to NPC, the cost will be $30 at-the-door if you let plot know you will be attending by January 6th, or $35 at-the-door if you do not. Guild NPCs pay only $15 to cover their food.
NPC Guild, please keep an eye on the NPC Guild Forums, we'll be posting plot information there and updating your townies!

Current list of Pre-Pays received as of January 8th:
Sean Graczyk
Seth Bird
Ryan Wessner
Barbara Martin
Randy Ochs
Bryan Gregory
Leigh-Ann Magill
Holly Pariury
Alaina Jewell
Anthony Mungo
Brad Lewis
James Giesman
Emily Sweet
Dave Trovato
David Koenigsaecker
Coutrney Bates
Cassandea Moselle

Paid Pre-Reg Price:
Phil Brown
Isaac Harrus
Raine Mauss
Josh Randall
NPC's must let plot know by October 28? I like how you think, one of them is bound to invent a time machine to save that $5!
Yes. After the event last weekend, we thought that OR plot could hook them up with some time-traveling. In case they don't have any left over, I changed the date.
I seem to recall helping to explode their time traveling mechanism.

Irrespective of holiday situations, the deadline for downtime submissions for the January event is December 30. Of course, the sooner you get it in, the less you have to worry about it.
Remember that the cut-off for Pre-Pays is Dec 31st! That's at the end of the week, on Saturday!
Downtimes must be in by the 30th, that's Friday!
It's a good way to save $20. Even if you can't make the Pre-Pay deadline, you should still Pre-Register by January 6th!
Dude. I just have to say, using the PayPal mobile app makes pre-pay a breeze. Dude. Dude.

Yes, I heard, the early 90's called, they want their word back. Tough.

I miss my tin can, I know I am old now because I can barely get my phone to make a call let alone use some kinda fancy app
When I got my new smartphone, it seriously took me 5 minutes to figure out how to make a phone call. I managed to figure out texting, the internet, setting up my email, and all sorts of other things before I realized I had no clue how to make a call, or how to receive one...

Kinda miss my tin can too...
Sadly, I will not be able to make the event, my car engine has decided it no longer wants to be friends.