

Durl was pretty sure someone else would beat him to saying this, en he didn't know Jara as well so he was waiting for maybe Tab or someone to say something first, cause Tab was always hanging out at the tavern buying people drinks en such.

Jara died for his lastest time this last weekend, Durl didn't know him very well, en he was undead the last time Durl seen him, but he was a pretty good guy always making sure people had food ta eat en places to sleep and all that. It's always too bad when someone doesn't comes back after they die en Jara will be missed, Durls thinking maybe when the winter weather breaks next year we could gets together ta does somethin to remember hims by, en figure out whos taking care of his friends and things en such.

Until then Durls sure that maybe Liddia or Mariel or someone will be making sure people has a place ta sleep if dey need it, Durl doesn't really have a place thats good for other people cause he likes to sleep outside en thats not to comfortable for some folks.

Last market day. The one you had to miss unfortunately.

May the stars shine on your paths,
-Mage Eldarion Avari
Nye....oh nye. :cry:

Him was good man. We were fortunate to have him as a friend.

May him path be bathed in light and him memory live in our hearts fore'er,

I know I miss him already. He always looked after the townsfolk and often helped the adventurers. It was Jara who gave me someplace warm to sleep when I first came to Briarpass and I appreciated his kindness very much. He always made me feel welcome.

Jara was a good friend to all of us and his loss will be felt deeply.
Ah t'ink dat we need to make a huge effort to convince who'evah is de next proprietor to name de place aftah him. Not as a monument, nor as a "well he earned somet'in" but dat way in ensuah d'at anyone new to de area or travellin' through will ask "So who's d'is Jara?" an' those what knew 'im can make sure d'at all de kindnesses he did for folk will be told about to all d'em dat do ask, an' DAT is de kind o' memorial he deserve.
Plus, it be a constant remindah of de kind of person we should all try to be mo' like every day, an' that's not a bad t'ing eithah.

I am not sure what gave you that impression. The tavern remains open and it is not up for sale.