Jehyu's Haven


Hello Everybody,

In memory of Jehyu, the Irani Clan will be funding a master workshop available to the public. There will be separate rooms where you may create scrolls, potions, alchemy, armor, and anything else you may think of.

It will be known as "Jehyu's Haven". You are all welcome to use it if you are ever in need. We will keep you posted when it will be open and where you may find it.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri - Master of the Waymaker Stones
Ardos Irani - Defender of the Good
Taios Irani - Goblin of the Golden Skulls

Your family's contribution in our friends memory is amazing. Thank you.

But remember one thing,
No trap workshop.

Ser Foss Siril of Wayside.

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Ser Foss,
I owe a great deal more to Jehyu than this gesture could ever show. We will of course respect his view on this in building this place. I have nothing but respect for the man who built my shield, saved my brothers lif and even my own. He helped me and mine when we first began adventuring, and he will clearly be missed wherever he may have traveled.

Ardos Irani
Irani Clan-

This is the perfect gesture for Jehyu's memory. Absolutely perfect.

You have my full support in any way I can be of help.

Well done boys-- exceptionally well done.

Yours In Service,

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Consider this fully funded. Speak to me early in the market.

-Wanderer Fredrick Crawford
I am sorry to hear of Jehyu's passing and extend my condolences to those who mourn him. If you need any assistance in this venture please let me know.

Travel safely,
I would like use of the workshop in his name as i had a order that was cut short by his passing. If the town is in need of a specific alchemical substance I will make some in his honor free of charge.
Though we appreciate all the offers to help fund this, we as a family owe much to Jehyu, and I would ask that you all allow us to do this as our way to try to show our gratitude. And Pyke, though you are indeed welcome to use the workshop, building such a place will take time. I do think that is a wonderful way to show your gratitude to an honorable man.

Ardos Irani