July 2012 Event Favorite Moments


Hey everybody,
What were your favorite moments at the July 2012 event?

Mine were:
Meeting and playing with all the new (to our chapter) players. Getting to show them our game style.
The amazing roleplay with everyone.
The emotional responses to Ashes and the town's story.
All our amazing NPCs, for making this unique event possible.
Finding out about all the consipiracy theories, regarding Ashes, after the event.
Being consoled by about half the player base, when the dying started. Then the other half promising to murder every last corrupt.
Performing "crazy town banana pants resurrections". Thanks for being good sports!
New players! New NPCs! Yes and more please!
The dying scene on Saturday night. Everyone committed so hard. It made it painful to watch. Will and Andy's super slams to the ground, Kirsten's agonizing death scenes that almost made me cry, and the screams of agony. It was kinda morbidly beautiful.
Sunday morning fight. Then getting to have my own death scene. Props to Yames and Alavatar for making that especially cool.
Again, thanks for an amazing event. By far, my favorite as a plot team member.
Just remember, "I am only one."
Going out and being foxy with the other new NPCs.
The look of surprise on everyone's faces during the first rage.
Having my townie be followed for a good five minutes by someone thinking she was about to rage.
Telling Gypsies they were human ;)
The fun role playing and building of stories and lives with the NPCs. "Your brew too weak."
Getting the note of hope tossed into the cabin before our deaths.
The look shared between Ashes and Nettie through the window before the final death scene.
I have a whole many to share...because, my gods, this event was just amazing. PCs, just thank you for biting the bullet and getting involved with us--this would not have worked otherwise. NPCs, you guys rock and are always a blast to play with, no matter what side I'm on, and Plot! you guys just rule.

Anyway, onto my favorites:

Chasing Raganzi while raging. Didn't bring him down but made him scream and run fast.
The massive death scene on Saturday. I committed harder than I'd intended, but so beyond worth it. To whoever tried to heal me, good try. It was appreciated.
The final fight. Hugh had it out for my ghost, I swear. But I got to scream fight with Rain, and killing blowed 4 people, and dominated Snows a LOT. And then when Ashes was killed, coming out and having PCs go "Not again!" and prepare only for us to all disappear.
Skree killing Kasuni. And she still doesn't hate us. ARGH! (:D)
Trying to bait Polare and a few others out as a solo Skree cause everyone else vanished.
Foxes!! I loved the foxes. And Zeth, thanks for weaknessing my poor tiny fox. So much fun.
mneme_suspiria said:
The final fight. Hugh had it out for my ghost, I swear. But I got to scream fight with Rain, and killing blowed 4 people, and dominated Snows a LOT.

I have to work on my blood-thirsty wolf howls next time...funniest time was to take a Dominate, then a Subjugate, then a Berserk in about a 10 seconds. Turn and there is a page right next to me.../sigh 'page...5...normal, page...5...normal' and 3 people stand there going, What?
The big fight was fun. Granted, I am still not overly effective at beating stuff down but I can more than keep them busy until those spells start rolling in from various directions.

Shen turning to Snows after he let him know a few things, 'Snows, you are a great wolf. You find the best stuff. Ruins, merchants.' :oops:

Chaos foxes...so people tell me, how I missed the foxes last night. I'm wondering what the hell a chaos fox is and why would I want to run into a chaos tainted one. Next night, chaos foxes roll around the building...oh boy.

Fast Corrupted...sneaking up on a lone Corrupted that was spying near the Tavern and the road down to the parking lot. Getting about 20 feet away and he just bolts away...hell if I'm chasing that.

Ignored...waving to the various town folk apparitions as we pass and being totally ignored, someone else talks and they instantly break into 'Hi, how have you been.' Cheerful as all get-out and does not give a 2nd look to anyone else. Walking up and standing next to 3 that were talking to each other and being ignored again...not even a look over their shoulder. Way to keep in character.
  • All of the roleplay with Ashes. It was great fun! His crazy speak and the emotions Ron portrayed with him made the scenes so immersive!
  • Sneaking up behind a line of 6 or so Corrupt and throwing Prisons; just enough distraction to cause them to all turn their backs. :D
  • Hunting Andy's Corrupt; startling him (granted, he didn't have his glasses) as he came across a building such that he forgot about his Dodges, Cloaks, and Bane.
  • The ghost town slaughter scene. It felt so real; production movies and plays couldn't elicit more emotion from me than the NPCs did in that scene!
  • My first meeting with Glass was him trying to kill me. My second meeting he was helping with decryption. Talk about a mind-****.
  • Trying to throw as much responsibility Kasuni's way as I could. I really didn't want to lead and I heard a rumor that Kasuni does. :shock:
  • The RP with all of the players I managed to talk to for more than 5 minutes! Elryion, Zeth, Kasuni, Krieger, Polare, Avaran, Flynn, Shelk, Raganzi, Yames, Daylynn, Prashka, Teth, Lone, Boganzi, Taliya, Garrick, Vanyel, Luke, and probably more that are not coming to my head at the moment.
  • *Kreiger gets berserked ... again* *I think to myself, I have a Dispel! I can fix this Berserk!* "MAGIC BERSERK! S***! Flub! AHHHHH! 13 Elemental Lighting, 13 Elemental Lightning, etc. ..."
  • The long discussion with Luke about his forming a guild.
  • Being Spellstrike Subjugate from the big guy with my Spellstrike Magic Storm active. "Cloak! Bane!" The big golem goes back into his circle. With a sad face I lean over to Phedre, "Besides my innate reflect I have no more defenses against Subjugate." Phedre hands me a Dodge item saying (paraphrase) "I would rather you burn dodges then start killing our friends."
    • Looks like I need to make myself a Dodge item.

This event definitely rates in my top 5 favorite events!
Okay here we go

The makeup on the townfolk. There is something creepy about talking to a mutilated ghost about mundane stuff.

All of the fun rp with ashes and watching ron get more and more sane as we went along. He played the greatest crazy ever.

Understanding what was going on thanks to a fantastic downtime response. Thank you plot!

Interacting with people I haven't spent much time around in a meaningful way.

The small conversations with kasuni about how ruthless adventurers are.

Breaking my toe Saturday night chasing Andy as a corrupt and not bothering to sto because I was so immersed in the chase.

And last but not least performing my first execution on ashes and feeling the major emotional torment that comes with killing such a noble being. And getting to let go of my burdens at ashes funeral.
So many good things.

Meeting Jax for the first time and telling him I won't attack him. Followed by Yasmay telling me I need to beat him up.

Oh man watching Alavatar running away from the tavern being chased by echoes. All I could think was omg! omg! I should run away! But Alavatar needs help! Yell for help! Yell really loud!!!!!!

Kasuni getting killed by skree. Really? Just hate them!

Awesome conversations with Hugh on how to skirt the law with Yasmay. As well as ants in your bed.

Boulder and Avaran talk. During which I realized Polare looked weird and slightly dead.
I also enjoyed the towneis and that entire plot arc. It was very well done, yet I never got any of Jasper's brew.

Jax and I had a good conversation on loyalty verses morality. It was pretty cool, and then followed up by 'I have an apology to make' put icing on the cake.

Also, a special thanks for the pop-tart drop for our page.
hbirdgirl said:
Telling Gypsies they were human ;)

That's a dangerous game right there!
Sheesh. Where do I start? Okay.

Flynn and Zeth coming into game Friday night by the parking lot. Ears and eyes are way alert for movement of any sort. We finally make our way up the road until the light of the first cabins is pretty much in our eyes, maybe a hundred feet away, tops. And then two pairs of Corrupt-eyes light up literally ten feet from each of us in flanking position. Zeth gets dropped pretty quickly (22 normal from the back tends to do that. :( ) and I Rebirth within 15 minutes of coming into game. Adrenaline pumping start. Awesome sauceom. Oh, and scaring the heck out of the less-experienced adventurers when I Rebirthed was pretty funny.

Meeting Ash. Felt bad for him pretty much from start to finish, even moreso because he's a fellow Earth caster. Yeah, that does matter. ;) Also, the conversation with him at his cave about what he'd like done with his body after everything seemed very personal and heartfelt.

The final death scene. It was quite possibly the most emotionally intense moment of storytelling I've felt at a LARP in the 12 years I've been LARPing. I don't cry at movies, but the combination of seeing all that hopelessness and fear, while feeling helpless in the eyes of a still-somewhat-naive Coon-kin was just overwhelming and character-developing.

My conversation with Kasuni and Boganzi regarding how adventurers treat the Skree and the Corrupt.

My first taste of lamb! Delicious! Which leads me to my favorite event moment....

Apprenticing Shelk! From a player standpoint, I'm glad I'm able to help a new player learn the ropes with casting, since I've received plenty of help myself. Good to give back. From a character standpoint, the RP was exceptionally fun, and I look forward to seeing where the added responsibility pushes Zeth.
Draven said:
Apprenticing Shelk! From a player standpoint, I'm glad I'm able to help a new player learn the ropes with casting, since I've received plenty of help myself.
My boys are growing up... So proud.
Finally spending some time with Kiarra!! It had been awhile since Kasuni got to hang with her!

Going into the woods with the Skree for the first time, and wandering around for 45 mins trying to lose Taliya & Co following us. Had some good times with Salty-Foot and (Face-Eater??)

Getting killed by the Skree. Pretty fun for a first resurrection, and the conversations afterwards were super character-building. Also, conversations of, "Why did you go alone?" responded to with, "I hear everyone else burns Skree villages down."

Conversations with Zeth, Boganzi, Luke, Polare, Avaran, Yames, Teth, and more about just how bloodthirsty we all really are, and the differences in reactions from those conversations :-) They ranged from "Skree aren't people" to "Oh wow, we are kind of awful".

Phedre and Ghost in the Earth Circle. I was checking Ghost for any spirit locked weapons REALLY quick.

Luke's milkshakes bringing all the boys to the yard.

Shelk and her lamb stew... Oh man, delicious!

Running off to fight a small pack of chaos foxes, and then remembering really quickly after the first few chaos-type hits that I'm a caster.

Middle-of-the-woods drinking & conversation on Saturday night. I couldn't see much of who I was talking to the whole time, but it was a blast :-) We should head into the middle of the woods without any light more often.

Hugh & Kasuni trying to have a conversation with Yasmey, telling her it's not ok for her to just attack people. Her response, "it's ok, I won't press charges."

Talking to the townsfolk ghosts, in particular, the town guard and Amy's ghost. Thanks for the fun times!!

Can't wait to do it all again <3 Emily/Kasuni
-NPCs total commitment to their roles. Up to and including, Will and Andy using stunt tactics and throwing themselves up in the air! Amazing, everyone.
-I loved that so many PCs really got emotionally involved in the story. Makes us all happy.
-The "big pink skree" picture the PCs made for us!