July 24th, 2010 Game Day Teaser


Overheard at the Stumble Inn:

"Well brother, believe me you it's nice ta' be enjoyin' a Foambeard Special Summer Ale without having ta' worry 'bout 'dem tremors."

"Ayep. Hasn't been a shake since that explosion of ash and fire. Dah you know what the Magistrate's people found up there? "

"Nope, but I did hear that more scarecrows have gone missing and not only that, but Farmer Silverspade and his family have turned up missing."

"So have others, but nobody's doin' a thing about that."

"I cannot believe you two drunkards are carrying on again about nonsense. There is a hole in the wall thanks to that explosion and the bugs keep attacking so the masons cannot get it repaired. Now that is something to worry about."

"It is something to worry about, but we have other problems, too. The thief was here long before the hole in the wall and if rumor is true, he's struck again and robbed the Trollbasher clan."

"Yeah an' I bet the filthy t'ief is that Wilf fella. Lately 'e's been goin' 'round wit' guards an' buyin' up supplies. 'E's 'bout ready to run off if ya ask me."

"Maybe he's just preparing for another attack. Could be the bugs, but I heard from my sister, she's a member of the town guard you know, that there have been several of those curious dryad strangers patrolling the edges of the forest."

Will the Stonehaven wall ever be repaired? What is happening with the scarecrows? Will Farmer Silverspade and his family be found? What is Wilf up to and is he the thief? What are the dryads protecting? Will our younger players get this Soap reference? Will other players care that we ripped this joke off from Family Guy? Find out the answers to these questions and more at the July 24th game day.