July 9th One Day Preregistration - The Mists Take You a Day in Adventuring


This is a standard one day taking place at Mcdowell Grove at its main Picnic Shelter/Grove. Mcdowell Grove is roughly 9086 Raymond Drive Naperville, IL 60563 . The parking lot is found just past that and the Shelter will be hard to miss as it is just shorting into the Grove. Jimmy Johns Sandwich Platters will be provided for lunch as part of the event fee. The cost of this one day is $20 unless you preregister than it is only $15. NPCs only pay $5!

Preregister via email to:
Waysidelogistics@gmail.com or via our prereg form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QkNiliIufYqNxF1tqMm8nacpfMVlxUQJ_AuQpQ4CcC8/viewform

Prepay to

1. Nick P (Foss)
2. Amanda F (Liddia)
3. Vicki P (Sparrow)
4. JT (Merchant)
5. James F (Grimshaw)
6. Melaina F (Kat)
7. Casey B (New)
8. Elliot K (Kozan)
9. Annette S (Cyn)
10. Nate S (Nikolai)
11. Glaeser D (Bluewater)
12. Chris S (Shikaar)
13. Jon D (Aramis)
14. Gab R (Haraka)
15. Jenn P (Zima)
16. Nick D (Stethi)
17. Jillian D (New)
18. Nadine V (Neolani)
19. Sean V (Nahani)
20. Rob S (Eric)
21. Jen W (Arsita)
22. Ethan R (Iggy)
23. Alex M (Jrajj)
24. John N (New)
25. Derek S (Sam)

1. Rob D
2. Nate B
3. Carrie S
4. Tristin W
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How much for NPCs?

Which I'm sure a good handful of you folks would love to give NPCing a try!
Good Catch thanks Ryan. $5 is the price to NPC!
What exactly happens at these one day events? From what I gather its not the same as the regular weekend events.
A typical one-day event is pretty much the same as a weekend event, only it starts in the morning and ends in the evening. Depending on how plot wants to do things, sometimes they'll announce a rough schedule for the event in advance. Since there's no extra time to follow up on things later in the event like you'd usually be able to do, this lets people make sure they don't miss out on something important to their character or whatever.

One thing that's different is that it's harder for us long-distance folk to justify coming out for such a short event, and in this case I'm pretty sure that includes your head of plot and assistant head of plot. :p So Nate and Rob get to run the show while Ryan and Carly are out.

Edit - I suppose one other difference is that one-day events tend to be a little more streamlined. Less downtime and probably more mods than you might see in a typical 8-hour span at a weekend game.
Great summary Kyle- Thanks

The exception to this is the Promotional One Day on Sunday which is a very different animal to a normal event. A better description of that will be posted under that thread to avoid confusion. But for THIS one day it will be pretty standard fare. The biggest oddity is that it is IG not a planned gathering but a the mists will take you were you are most needed situation. From a story perspective regardless of what you are doing or where you are the mists just well up and take you to the location that the one day will happen at.
*Que Doctor Who theme*
Glad to hear of some one new joining us. My guess is Registration will open at 9:30 AM with game on around 10AM but Rob or Nick will have to give the offical times. I would sugest emailing the logistic email above with charater creation question before the event to help streamline registation.
Game on will be 10AM, so you should be on site by 930 to check in and have someone help you review the rules.
thank you Rob