July-August 1515 Rumors

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Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Rumors have been spreading around the region:

“Pratorak has agreed to stay at and maintain Kalmok’s Anvil, but besides that, they seem to be going pretty all-in with their military operations as of late.”

“I couldn’t sleep the other night because of the voices outside my window. I mean, what kind of rude people carry on a whole conversation with kobolds that late at night like that?”

“Baeleon’s been looking more and more reedy ever since he started hanging out by the river.”

“Did you hear? Kirna Lightfoot is offering gold for Biata, lynx Sarr, and white leopard Sarr heads!”

“Seriously, be careful if you’re fishing on the edges of Silver Lake… I saw something big, green, and toothy come out of the water and swallow someone whole!”

“Jimmy Three Face is looking for Cosmetic Transformation scrolls so he can impersonate the Queen.”

“Sounds like Ragnarok and Glav have ticked off some old shaman. Knowing barbarian customs, they’ll probably have to atone for it for like, ten years.”

“That Falim guy says he has one of those famous Privat Amir stories to tell soon! I wonder what it’ll be about.”

“Sir Von Gryphon has been all over the place, just casually chatting with everything there is to chat with, be they man or beast! You couldn’t get me to visit half those monstrous things for a mountain of gold!”

“I saw some of the best butterflies the other day! The big caterpillars weren’t so nice, but I just adored the butterflies!”

“I hear Oliver’s got quite the debt to pay to someone, but I also hear his bill should be able to cover the expenses with a few hundred gold to spare.”

“Does anyone know where that friendly bear went? He usually comes by pretty often, but I haven’t seen him for a week.”

“Roff is a spy from Bomae, specially sent to infiltrate the adventurers and see what they know!”

“A lot of the sick-looking plants I usually walk by have suddenly started bursting in full bloom! The Dryads are probably pretty happy about it.”

“Yeah, my father’s merchant wagon has been held up in Tunaria waiting for safer road conditions, with four of those white and gold monsters the Celestial Guild warned us about still circling the capital and all.”

“Beats me why on Fortannis he’s doing it, but I heard that Healer Asher’s looking to break up happy marriages.”
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