Wow was that a weekend or what!? I had an amazing time and then some.
First and the shining star that highlighted my weekend was the NPC's, You guys RAWK'd!. I mean, I can see the exhaustion and the level of energy you guys put into the roles ya'll are constantly getting handed. When I'm at the smoking area I can see slowly over the weekend you guys look more and more drained. I can't thank the NPC's enough for their dedication to forming the framework to an all around fun and exciting game.
What really made the weekend was the NPC that RP'd mid-combat with me in the final wave battle. I was yelling at the Elementals to go home, and one of the NPC's turns and says, "First you die!". So we traded some blows and I responded with, "I hate to disapoint, mate......(while block striking in the fight) But Tarethials live forever." In which I took down the NPC but first the NPC had to let out this epic elemental death for me when I got him. Dude Idk your name but I know your face, you seriously made my weekend. The NPC / PC interactions is what takes our game and makes it into more of a Bad@$$ summer blockbuster movie for everyone playing the game.
Other notable moments.
Playing good cop / bad cop all Saturday with bounties.
everything Leaf!
Newbie rogues death defying rogueing
New PC's and NPC's
Bonesword!!!! - Man that was such a power trip
Fighting an NPC and we just stop and smile at eachother, the NPC goes, "what?" just in time for Grimm to run up behind him and nuke him in standard grimm fashion
Obtaining a ritual scroll I've been wanting - thanks Kris and Emily ^_~
The look on Josh's face - 24 Normal!, thanks for the Vorps too Emily and Kris!
Finding out about characters, that eat people
The metric ton of Roleplay I had between many different PCs, I really enjoyed learning new things about alot of different characters.
Guilded Claws home, what you guys did to the tavern was amazing! You totally raised the bar, and I hope you guys use the idea I shared with you about making a second banner for your cabin.
All the tournament events, Congratz to the winners, I tried to catch them when I could between bounties and work, Vincent was a busy boy with event ^_~
Smokey and Smokey, please don't kill eachother
Buttz, more Buttz
Seeing Formal outfits, glad I got to break mine out too
Honestly there was just WAY too much!....I wore a smile out of game all weekend because of the level this event was on. Thank you all again guys
A Very exhausted Jeremy