July event Favorites


NEPA Staff
Heya folks!

please post your favorites here! let plot and other players and npcs know what made the event great for you.
I will write more eloquent favorites when I have some brain cells to spare, but for now let me just say I've played in a lot of tournaments, and this is the most fun I've had at a tourney in a LONG time. Thank you Collin, Donna, and the rest of plot and NPCs, and thanks toDanielle, Bobby and the rest of the Claw for being such awesome hosts!

(yes I posted that on FB, but not everyone is on there, so :P)
Keeping it tight and concise!

-Tavern looked awesome
-Sassy Pansy Pansy Posey DeManious I
-Do you know how lonely that cave was when you have to sit there with only an Ice Worm to talk to?
-"Did you know your food was made from people?"
-"Ruis would have chewed through the gag by now"
-"but my toffee?"
-Plan B is We need an adult
-Your duki-dukiness
-Kill Dave the Wave Battle a.k.a. The Dessert Competition!
-"I'm sure your friends do not wish to discuss my bowel movements"

And finally, the line of the weekend
-" .....Wut?"
I wasn't sure how things would end up with all of people able to make it/not make it and the in game stuff leading up to the event.
But crap in a hat was it fun!
Thank you to Plot, NPCs and Dan for sir freezha or however its spelled. I fuggin luv muppets

In no order my caves

1. Ezri and grim bro down
2. Van claw. Gilded corr. Claw heim? Team. Really good group of folks who didn't take stuff too seriously and kept the contests in perspective.
3. Ash Forrest .. You guys were awesome.
4. Tinder and Ferra stepping up. So proud if you guys
5. The elemental plane of fire has frozen over.. Ket is grims squire.
6. Kur and keldar coming up from nc.
7. Barran folks all trapping the survival
8. Vincent improving.
9. Finding out about the corsairs.. A ballsy move and the shock value on theice worms face..
10. " I have such a bug head and tiny arms.." "Wut"
11. Folks having a fun and good natured time
12. Talking with Irena. Deceptively deep
1. Adding some zest to the tournament survival trial. If you got stuck to/slipped on something, you are very welcome. Love, The Very Official Mord/Family Alliance.
2. A full weekend of antics with Irina and Rupert. If there was a contest for snarkiest, sassiest assholes, I think our team may have won.
3. "If we, hypothetically speaking, asked you to come and sit in our earth circle and resurrect someone a couple of times to make a point, would you do it?"
4. Songtime with Amy, Lana, and Alissa.
5. Drumming and finally getting to see my heart-stoppingly beautiful girlfriend dance.
6. Bill Gibbs and the Very Good Absolutely Amazing Saturday Night Dinner - thank you so much for your hard work. If you ever need someone to sit in a corner and weep joyously about garlic mashed potatoes, I am your girl.
7. Finally finally FINALLY getting Squire Kailani to join the Family. My emotional manipulation game is ON POINT.
8. Being Schrodinger's healer during the final wave battle. Everywhere and nowhere and brimming with potions. IF I PERCEIVE IT, I CAN BE IT.

Thanks to chapter staff and NPCs for a wonderful weekend. I will see you next month!
Thank you Plot staff and NPCs!!! Good show all around!

- Team of Two! And our surprisingly good showing, all things considered.

- Dancing! Danciiiiiiing. Happy dancer is happy. Also, who the hell gave us a belt buckle?!

- Despona Garrick, partly because hey cross-chapter plot and partly because hey pretty lady!

- So... much... dessert...

- Rupert looking like a straight up crazy person.

- The look on Dave D's face when Irina asked for his tabard during Survival, pointing to the "Ducal tabard" listed on her sheet.

- Drunk Amaranthus giving Irina a big squishy hug! Bill, you are the best.

- All things Grim, Larien, Ferra, Ket, V and Rali.

- Amaranthus-as-Broomis dressing down Nevin and snatching his staff and Nevin going "...I also needed that to stand up."

- BALDUR AND CYPRUS LOSING THEIR MINDS DURING VOX'S COMEDY. Oh man. Rupert and Irina started just watching those two.

- Butts.
Oh man, everybody was so excellent this weekend. It was a joy to entertain everyone while also being entertained myself. Thank you to every NPC and every single person who assisted Bill in the kitchen and/or Josh in logistics. You're all an invaluable part of our game.
  • Butts.
  • ".. What."
  • Ser Fria's little arms. There are no words for how happy they made me.
  • Speaking of which: Dan Mckiernan, you are a freakin' boss for building that puppet, and also everything else you do and are.
  • Debuting my Seneschal, making interesting friends, and getting to flirt with some pretty and colorful ladies. ;)
  • Rupert's majestic dwobling 'burns.
  • Sir Amaranthus absolutely crushing it in the tournament.
  • All the new players! PC or NPC or first-time-at-Ashbury players, it was a joy to welcome you to our delightfully strange corner of the universe!
  • Serious discussions regarding the necessity of clothing and T&A preferences.
  • Super Secret FOIG-y Plotting was so deliciously fun as well!
The weekend's shenanigans were strong and a whole lot of fun. Thank you, everyone, for making it such a good time, and I cannot wait to do it again next month!
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Wow was that a weekend or what!? I had an amazing time and then some.
First and the shining star that highlighted my weekend was the NPC's, You guys RAWK'd!. I mean, I can see the exhaustion and the level of energy you guys put into the roles ya'll are constantly getting handed. When I'm at the smoking area I can see slowly over the weekend you guys look more and more drained. I can't thank the NPC's enough for their dedication to forming the framework to an all around fun and exciting game.

What really made the weekend was the NPC that RP'd mid-combat with me in the final wave battle. I was yelling at the Elementals to go home, and one of the NPC's turns and says, "First you die!". So we traded some blows and I responded with, "I hate to disapoint, mate......(while block striking in the fight) But Tarethials live forever." In which I took down the NPC but first the NPC had to let out this epic elemental death for me when I got him. Dude Idk your name but I know your face, you seriously made my weekend. The NPC / PC interactions is what takes our game and makes it into more of a Bad@$$ summer blockbuster movie for everyone playing the game.

Other notable moments.

Playing good cop / bad cop all Saturday with bounties.
everything Leaf!
Newbie rogues death defying rogueing
New PC's and NPC's
Bonesword!!!! - Man that was such a power trip
Fighting an NPC and we just stop and smile at eachother, the NPC goes, "what?" just in time for Grimm to run up behind him and nuke him in standard grimm fashion
Obtaining a ritual scroll I've been wanting - thanks Kris and Emily ^_~
The look on Josh's face - 24 Normal! -....got...it...(again, thanks for the Vorps too Emily and Kris! :P )
Finding out about characters, that eat people
The metric ton of Roleplay I had between many different PCs, I really enjoyed learning new things about alot of different characters.
Guilded Claws home, what you guys did to the tavern was amazing! You totally raised the bar, and I hope you guys use the idea I shared with you about making a second banner for your cabin.
All the tournament events, Congratz to the winners, I tried to catch them when I could between bounties and work, Vincent was a busy boy with event ^_~
Smokey and Smokey, please don't kill eachother
Buttz, more Buttz
Seeing Formal outfits, glad I got to break mine out too

Honestly there was just WAY too much!....I wore a smile out of game all weekend because of the level this event was on. Thank you all again guys

A Very exhausted Jeremy
It was a fun weekend with a masterful job of getting plot in at the same time.

Participating in my first Icenian team tournament.
Music time, especially the improv
Assassinating a gate while hiding around a cabin.
Messing with some Nine Towers folks.
And Finally....A band of brave adventurers boldly seeking to raise an Icon to help save their Duke needing to complete one last hurdle run off by.....FREE SAMPLES! Yep, that is right, 6 body and tasty goodness and they bravely ran away to get an adult!
See you next time!

Joe Siegel
Sometime Friday night to another time Sunday afternoon. I got to thank a lot of folks personally after the event but If I didn't get to you. Thank you for making this a great weekend. Did quite a bit of adventuring with the modules and got to interact with a great majority of the players. I also love the looks I got the first some saw a kilt and pointed ears on the same person or the initial pauses to figure out what he said with his accent.

Thank you all again. I look forward to my next event. When ever that might be.

John "Ian" Robertson
Well, since I spent 2/3 of the event in the basement setting up and re-setting up my mod area most of my favs are OOG, and largely inappropriate for a PG website.

-Balder and the box o pain. I was pulling for ya Scotty.

-Smokey's run of the gauntlet. Mad props for being the only contestant who wasn't intimidated by the timewaster box.

-After successfully avoiding plot for most of the event, Rupert fills me in. This quickly escalates to Dorgun being incredibly and loudly disrespectful to Grim and just when I'm about to either say something that will get me arrested or take a swing at a knight I see Smokey out of the corner of my eye...
"I need to explode someone. YOU! We're going now!"

-Watching Collin, Donna and Dave work. I'm impressed.

-Running the tournament in roughly 8 hours, I like it.
Lets see, where to start?

It was great being able to PC for the first time(only NPCed until now) and even greater to have my wife by my side to experience her first event ever in Alliance. And although she was very green at first and couldnt even remember how many body she had as a 1st lvl character, she learned quickly. I'm proud of her.

Going through the trap competition was fun, I picked my first lock and disarmed as many traps as I could before getting melted by acid. Smokey will look to Dorgun in the future for ideas in making my own traps. Thanks Irina for being my healer. OOG: Smokey hopes you enjoyed the big shiney and two small shineys (belt buckle, ring, and silver) that he left in your basket as a tip while you were dancing. (He thinks bigger shiney things are better. He hasnt grasped the value of money quite yet. Just that "its shiney" is a good enough reason for him to keep it or trade for other things.)

Walking in to the dining hall and see the loud, old dwarf fall off his chair asleep. Smokey didnt figure out what had happened until later and will find a way to thank Aberthorn(spelling? sorry, Smokey is horrible at remembering names.)

Singing on Saturday night.

1 vs 3 capture the flag

the non magical ritual attempt.

sneaking up on the goblins... wish i had brought my throwing dagger out there. A thrown assassinate would have been much easier than getting caught sneaking up on the goblin and it turning around and saying "ah! where did you come from? who are you?" that was satisfying in itself to get that close... just not close enough... :)

Assisting Valim in teaching Baldur to throw weapons.

I've heard that there was a curse on Ashbury that involves new Raccoon-kins that rez in their first game. I'm happy to say that I did not rez so the curse may be broken?

It was great meeting everyone and making new friends. We definately want to come back but probably wont be able to until the Closer.