July Favorite Moments


Okay, so I am plot and I can not say all my favorite moments or it would give to much, but here were a few of my favorite moments from this event.

-Roger disarming the massive mechanical skelton trap in the mine without quite realizing what it was. Then realizing what it was, putting part of it back together and setting it off for fun. That was hilarious.

-Adventurer Fishing and the fact that it actually worked!

-The look on Crystals face when she peered around the corner only to come face to face with a Werewolf. I did not know her eyes could get that big.

- The long conversational attempts at getting information out of Winston in the Guild House. I felt bad for Jonathan, he must have heard some of those stories 7 or 8 times. Hehehe. (mad props to Adam)

- Watching the gears turn in Nates head as D put together the identification of the Werewolves.

- Cyress and her Exploding Phantom Cats!

- Listening to some of the crazy theories as to what was going on. I had never realized just how crazy the pcs were until I was plot and actually knew what was going on. You guys come up with some wierd stuff.

Thank you to everyone, you guys all made this a great event.
The Skeleton Trap was awsome!

Using both my assasinates effectively.

Adventurer fishing.

Winston and his crazyness.

Both the Pauls getting Amnesia'd.

The whole plot I enjoyed very much.

The big wolf on wolf on PC fight that was an awsome fight.
All the frickin' RP! I know how hard it can be to make an R|P NPC believable, and I really felt that was pulled off very well asll weekend.

* Conversations with the drunk girl (including having her in mypocket several times while Emily had to deal with the consequences of all that drinking)

* "I killed the Sherrif, but I did not kill his deputy." Shikar very admirably kept a straight face while others groaned after it sank in.

*Realizing that Rupert really cared more about the people in the town than any amount of anything else over the weekend; and actually feeling really, really bad when it became clear that they were almost all dead. Had to take a walk alone on that one.

*After taking that walk alone, regrouping to see whatcould be done to save the rest before*any*more died, only to have Winston bite it... Need to chat with Vanyel about his guarding techniques.

* "Ok, bill the crown. Oh, and he's an officer, and he's a Baron, and she's a lord..." Quite the racket the local healer had, eh?
I rarely do 'favorite moments,' but this event was pretty damn awesome.

  • The IG Clue we were playing every time we left a mod: "It was the Barbarians, in the watering hole, with the Juju!" "No wait! It was the Guildmaster, in the Circle, with the Artifacts!" "No wait!"
  • The dancing skeleton. I'm glad I disarmed it and it took so long to figure out what it was, because it wouldn't have been as awesome if I was the only one to see it when I opened the door. Best. Trap. Ever.
  • Gnolls in the woods. I really like encountering NPCs that I don't have to wait for, or even expect.
  • So much sneaking. We got to sneak up on so many encounters, from mod locations to regular buildings, and it usually paid off.
  • The following fights: Winston, MultiWolfClusterFork, Gnolls in the Woods.
  • The Winston Wad.
  • The whole mine mod was good. I was a little agitated at first about the owlbears since no one in our 400 person group could hurt them (we brought way too many people to a trap mod), but it came out great in the end.
  • Site usage was awesome. We were clearly informed of where game was taking place on site, and there was stuff there
  • Loot distribution was really good, even before boss loot.
  • Blowing every resist, dodge, and evade every day.
Thought I wasn't around for as much of it as I would have liked, I have to agree that it was very nice to be walking through the woods and sudenly realize we were being flanked by enemies..it wasn't a "Oh here comes a battle , now we wait for 5 minutes so everyone can be ready"..it was surprising, and it was nice that the enemies even fought each other (such as the flower attacking the gnolls, i thought that was a great touch.. when the NPC's are as likely to turn on each other as the PC's, it creates a much more realistic feel to the world..not to mention that that would be a clever way to have to defeat some enemies, instead of just melee after melee..i'm all for using my brains to defeat an opponent instead of just weapons(especially when i'm Sir Gimp-a-lot)..

I think the plot team did a great job, and I can only hope that next time we'll be around for the whole thing..I know Amina was really enjoying it too, when she learned that there was an "ugly elf with an axe" Looking for us, she walked all over the entire camp at LEAST 3 times just to try to find the bugger, cause she was excited..she never did find him though, poor girl..but i'm sure we'll have plenty of chances to get into more trouble.
Let's see...given this was my first time NPC'ing, I got confused a couple of times as to what abilities I had for each character, but I only really screwed that up once as far as I know. :( Super prop-thingies to Holly and JP for running such a smooth even with only two Plotters.

That said, I had a great time, especially with:

*Seeing Roger set off the skeleton trap in the mine. That trap really was awesome!

*Listening to all of the utterly crazy theories the PC's came up with in regard to what was going on.

*Winston's rather lengthy conversation with Johnathan, and those who happen to come by at various intervals to our discussion. I think Johnathan heard that stupid story about the plant that only blooms in moonlight at least 15 times. Truly the patience of a saint. =)

*Getting to play so many various creatures and characters was fun.

*The Werewolf/"wonderbread"/PC fight on Saturday night. The chaos was awesome (from my end, anyway).

*All of the RP!!!

*There are far more, but I can't give them all out, nor can I list them all. ;)

My only downside was having to leave early, and not knowing what ended up happening. :(
Getting to PC with Dave, Bond, Amber, Kaiser, and Eric... awesome job guys!

Getting to MAKE the gears turn in D's head. Featherbrain.

Dave's "walk" was really appropriately timed... we were making the hard decision about whether to leave or not, and I could tell it was a hard choice for him too.

The attack of the 1000 tear-away-face clowns. (wolf wave battle) It was nice to see PC types form up... even if there were a few people with their heads in their sensitive storage spaces.


Let me say that again, as it bears repeating.


Getting to PC. Thank you JP, Brian, and Holly.
Thank you to all of the NPC cast and crew... to those of you I met for the first time, see you on the field soon.

In service,
Adventurer fishing is definitely near the top for me.

Listening to Winston babble on... and on... and on... and change from an old coot to an old swami over the course of an hour.

Steve deserves crazy kudos for putting together the skeleton trap that I had only imagined.

Having everyone be in-game nearly all the time.

My thanks to Holly and Bryan for putting up with me in the planning, and all of the NPCs for working their tails off for us. I think this one was more rigorous on them than most due to keeping them in-game as much as possible, and I deeply appreciate their endurance and volunteerism.