July Favorites


I've got them, you've got them. Let's feed plot!

In brief, and I'll add later, this was the most emotional event I have ever attended, and I loved it. We witnessed history and despite knowing it was not able to be changed, it felt like we had full involvement all the same. Nerium's heart broke for Fever Grey's retinue and the Icon of Life. She doesn't know what she feels after witnessing King Moreth's victory when we know how his life ends. The shock and horror of the Second of Caryth was intense. Living Obliterate was terrifying and a gut punch of moral horror. Bungling the slave rescue was the last straw. Hurt so good.

Gaius is dead. We got one thing right! Serious talks happened about Anaxion. We have something to offer the Valadeen. There's research to be done for fighting the Wither King. So much to look forward to! Exciting times ahead.

Thank you NPCs for outnumbering us sometimes and making it fun. See you in August!
Thank you staff, npc’s, and pc’s alike for making an amazing event come together. As always I’ll miss a ton, but there was SO MUCH to this event it’s impossible not to. I also want to just call out how awesome everyone was with being IG all the time and the stellar RP. Thank you!

~The Friday night encounter was very fun! I love creeping through the woods all quiet! That whole time the only other PC I found was Tova!

~Time travel shenanigans! It was fun not having any idea where we were going or what was going to happen after we hit the end of time (again).

~A productive and very serious talk with Baron Landon and the Vigil members. ****’s getting scarily real.

~Osiris getting all jazzed up with “what if we changed Anaxion!” theories.

~I forget what I even said, but I made a flirty joke with Fitzy and they immediately went off to talk to my husband about options.

~Fever Grey and Emilio. Uhhhhh. UHHHHHH! Freezing with indecision and then a few people mentioning they thought Emilio won that battle – so we joined Emilio’s team. It was hectic and crazy and the RP all around was so much fun! Figuring out Fever Grey had enslaved various people to murder me was also a fun discovery. Both Tova and Aisling killed me. Multiple times. Aisling gave me a hug right before she did it!

~Reinhardt and the panic of “IS THAT REALLY A VOID SHARD WE JUST BROUGHT BACK?!”. The whole town felt that one.

~Learning with Reinhardt and Magistrate Rookwall the next day the seriousness of that situation, and the stellar RP that Nate put into it. Super props to Nate for RP of the weekend and just rolling with every punch that was thrown at him.

~The whole encounter with Anaxion and King Moreth. Again, emotional RP and everyone was certainly into it. The horror of watching Aisling take the oblit.

~Delicious food, pleasant conversations, and singing with Tova, Tempesta, Trunkin, Tobias, Kay, Sun, Deborah, and others at dinner. I loved watching the fireflies come out in the quiet afterwards as Tempesta read us stories!

~Deborah telling us a bit of the history from the Lore on the Kings sword, and wondering where to go from there.

~The encounter with Caryth’s march on the Plane of Life. The RP with the Icon as Phedre, Nerium and I desperately tried to figure out a way to prove our intentions as we heard the battle getting more fever pitched behind us. Then the panic as we had to figure out if we should take the horn from the Second or trust it would crumble as we knew it did in the timeline.

~THAT SECOND OF CARYTH REVEAL THOUGH. Holy ****. Audible gasps all around. Mental freakouts. I figured it out about 15 seconds into Dan’s rant and just froze as I realized that look of madness. Then I recognized the sword he brought to my throat. I have never legit froze before as my brain tried to process it all. As he left I just turned to Phedre and we both had the same look in our eyes. So did the rest of the town. THE BEST!!!! Sean’s amused voice as he told us all we had to stop out of game freaking out so we could lay on and in game freak out.

~Roman and his discussion of not one but two volumes of Necalli smut.

~I always love the chance to go have quiet RP with Samara at NPC camp. A quick talk with Seneschal Vaughn and feeling more confident after it.

~Birthday Pantherghast. Thank you Sean – I hope you enjoyed the terror in my eyes as I realized it was a personal Pantherghast . Thanks NPC camp.

~The Resonance ritual and feeling terrible about how townsfolk were being taken by the Sanguine.

~Sunday. All of that last encounter. It was intense and hard and conflicting and fun. Though it didn’t work, I was so on board with having the entire town all using Endows together on the crypt. I loved that effort. The intensity of the situation was felt by everyone. I loved feeling guilt as I really thought about living obliterate and being what we are, and I loved the end of Gaius. I think Tobias was legit shaking as he pushed the horn through him, it was amazing.

I really love this game, and this event was amongst my favorite ever. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it. Also thanks for singing to me at closing ceremonies, I was very touched.

LOVE Stacey
So sad I had to miss Friday, but sooooo happy I was able to make it for the rest of the event.

Thank you NPCs!!!!

Hands down, the reveal at the end of the plane of life fight. It's been a long time since I've seen the entire town flip out like that. Great job.

Fight with living oblit and once it was down to pretty much no one left, standing there thinking, I wonder what would happen if I happened to have my set on me. Would it piss him off more, not care, or would it get me out of here?

That food during dinnertime. Sooo glad I stayed on sight :)

Being yelled at by multiple people to just do it and cast death and the npc's reaction to it.

Poor Reinhardt and the void shard.

First rituals :)

During the Axion battle deciding to throw my card and play a fighter. Being told by people to get back and then the reaction of "oh" when I was swinging. I figure I don't normally get to play something else, may as well do it.

Did I mention the second of Caryth? Yeah, that just won everything.

Jen mentioning rituals reminded me! Nerium cast her first ritual successfully and never expected the follow up to be activating a spell crafted ritual while in free fall. With a drunk rifter. What could go wrong? Sideways is always a delight.

Also, feeling what she values. Took an Obliterate, okay, that's one hell of a way to maybe go. Started undressing to at rez, dropped the necklace Surion gave her, and teared up.

Serious morality talk about Anaxion with Baron Landon was intense and that feels very high stakes.