July Food Shift Signup

Below is the signup for the July Event Food Committee. Since people's biggest complaint so far is organization, lets see if breaking it into shifts makes a difference. Signing up for a shift means doing whatever needs doing, be it serving drinks, helping cooking, or some dishes. You can sign up by posting below or by emailing the Food Committee at alliancehqfood@gmail.com I am on each signup to ensure it gets done. If I get enough help, I might even take a shift off :)

Sat Breakfast:
1: Bill Gibbs
2:Dave E
3:Jamie T

Sat Dinner:
1: Bill Gibbs
2:Susie L

Sun Breakfast:
1:Bill Gibbs
2:Dave E
3:Jamie T
I'll help with breakfasts too, if you still need it! :) I'd prefer to do prep/serving work on Saturday and clean up on Sunday... but I'll do whatever you need at breakfast-time, just let me know!