So many things!
- First a big thanks to plot for my role. Strange feeling to play Izer and not being able to charge into combat. Equally strange feeling not being on the ground bleeding out all weekend too.
- PCs! You guys were amazing. Great roleplay, clean fights, beautiful costumes. Plus I was blown away by how many players actively sought out and pursued the plot points of the weekend, no force feeding required.
- Holy freeking pole arms! Once you guys team up, Kobolds go down quick.
Along with that, so many proffs so many big swings. Lowbie? What Lowbie?
- Crafty PCs making their own mods... you know who you are...
- The in game weapon rep store. Nice selection, good prices, very convenient! Thanks guys.
- George Lucas
- NPCs, my brothers in black, it was great rolling with you. So much respect for these guys and gals!
- Bill and all he does. On that note, if you can, please help keep the committee funded.
- Koboldnado... stuff that randomly comes from me and Collin talking stupid. Power and lack of sleep equals awesome.
- Dave E. Thanks for letting Izer put his size 11s upside your arse all weekend long. Do you accept physical roleplay? Damn right you do!
- Prostitutes in game. Its about as R rated as HQ gets, but it still makes me smirk.
- Chris and Angel. You both went at this Hard. Angel wrote and directed a amazing event. Chris kept alot of the behind the scenes running smooooth. Thanks and hats off to you both.
- Having Izer and Cullin realize they think on the same page. It only took us to both guest star NPC to realize it.
- The ever constant " so Izer, your on Blythsdale right?" Followed by "whats a stormblade?" Ah, new blood. So many head drops and sighs.
Ok I know Im forgetting ALOT but it will need to wait. Till next time guys!