July Mid Summer fundraiser!


As a mid-summer fund raiser to help flesh out and improve our monster camp, Alliance Southern MN will be raising it's Goblin to Dollar donation rates for qualifying donations for the month of July! (heck we'll throw in the rest of June too...)

Here are the rates, good until July 30th only!

Donations of under $50, non-members - 1:4
Donations of under $50, with active membership - 1:5
Donations of $50 or more, with or without membership - 1:6

Interested? The best way to donate is to click the donation link here -> http://www.mnalliance.com/ found on the bottom of the scroll on the right.
So we can bring donations to the july event? -dawson
Yes, but anything aside from Cash donations may not be goblined until after the event due to time and manpower constraints.
If donating via paypal does it still get attributed to me/my Character?
Yes, when you donate by paypal it will request your e-mail, we'll confirm reciept (and who it is if you use a fake name on your e-mail for some reason) and send an e-mail usually within 24 hours.

Goblin stamps are tracked via player, but are spent mostly on characters. (so if you donate while player Uber-strong the warrior, and switch to a new character Uber-smart the artisan you can continue to use remaining stamps on the new character)
Reminder, only a few days left to take advantage of our fund raiser!
I'm getting one in just in time! :)