July Seattle 3 Day


Chicago Staff
Hey guys,

Since going to the Seattle 5 day event 2 years ago I've always wanted to get back there. So, when they announced a 3 day event I figured it would be a perfect excuse to fly back. Although this is still 8 months out, I'm seeing if there is anyone with interest in going. Last time it was DG and I, but more would be great.

Just tossing a line out, seeing if anyone bites. I'll be going regardless. It takes place during the July 4th weekend.

do...do you promise to get blown up by a trap again sunday morning?
Maybe? I want to get out there next year... I know I was looking at getting out there next year, but was looking at going for nationals...
I plan on going to Seattle. I was also thinking about going to the National Event.

I'm buying tickets for Thursday June 30th to July 4th. Planned to spend a day around Seattle exploring, or just bypassing it and driving up the coast. The site is NW coast of Washington on a peninsula.
Hey guys. Just to clarify, the Seattle National game and the July 4th weekend game are no where near the coast. They are at the same site, Millersylvania ELC. This is about an hour and a half south of Seattle.

The site Ryan is thinking of, I believe, is Deception Pass ELC, which Seattle uses on occasion. It is also located about 2 hours north of Seattle.
Guess I remembered the site wrong...or I could have googled it I suppose.. Regardless, I'll be spending that Thursday "Somewhere".