June 2016 Moments


It's been an exhausting 2 weeks. I came into the event dreading having to run it. Travis had to cancel, Chad ended up being late. All the makings for a really terrible game. But, just an hour in to the game my attitude changed. It was good to see old faces, meet new friends! It turned out to be a smaller event but, I think it worked out out. We had a lot of emotionally trying mods, and the pay off seemed to be good on those. I love our players, I'm excited about the next 3 events.

Share your thoughts, moments, what you liked or didn't like below.
Nicole and I both had a great time. In particular:

We had an NPC buy something from our shop, then massively overpaid us. I turned to Nicole and said "You know what? I really like that guy." Two minutes later, he was erased from existence. Very Game of Thrones move, dude.
Cyn asked us if we had a spare dagger after showing up visibly distraught. We said we did, but asked her why she wanted it. Her face contorted with badly concealed surprise and suspicion. "Who told you to ask me why I wanted a dagger?!"
So, I swing 3s, right? So my battle against the undead outside the tavern late Saturday/early Sunday was serious business for me. Every successful blow against me was 50% of my available health, and they just kept coming. The power-broker characters were sitting outside, planning something, and weren't defending themselves or the tavern, so Joseph, Gwen and Ardos just kept at it. Eventually, they took notice after Joseph went down and Ardos went inside. Some people were upset at the nobility that ignored our plight, but what I see is nobility ignoring the plight of those beneath them-which I think is very in keeping with the concept of nobility. Nobility doesn't mean "better", it means "elevated". Even so, Joseph's gonna remember that one.
I had one goal this game: negotiate the terms of setting up my trade route. I did accomplish some other things, but I'm going to have to IBGA that one.

I've been really focused on RP lately, and taking my strategic thinking to the next level. This was event was no exception.

I had a really great event and no shortage of emotionally scarring moments for Banradi. I'm still grieving from Thaddeus. :)

I'm always horrible with these favorite moments posts for SoMI. I seriously love every single moment in our game. Thank you to plot as well as all of the amazing players that are a part of this incredible experience.

I really enjoyed the game, was a great "time".

Saving Cyn from her self.

Getting halfway through three separate explanations only to have people rift out... Worst timing ever...

The moment when they dracolich showed up and how quickly things went sideways.
"I summon a force to enflame your Gypsy"

"That is the luckiest peasant in existence"

That moment when Ara and Pixis went whole-hog on a Dracolich without caring about the consequences.

The Silver-star mod will forever live in my nightmares.

-Baylan aka Taios
The mood of everyone. It felt as if we couldn't produce a bough stuff to do for the players but the level of excitement didn't go down
I'm not sure how anything I do will ever top the phrase "I summon a force to enflame your gypsy" but I really enjoyed this event all around. The way the plot team handled the change to gypsies was fantastic, and led to some great rp between Radi and i. The panic that I had during the fight with the wendigos were real while running after Chris through the forest such that I forgot to cut the head off the first one. I also really enjoyed the Denver players, and had fun all around. Thanks to the plot team for making another great event!
This event is always going to stand out for because of the number of memorable moments and the fact that such a small group of Players successfully navigated the biggest changes ever to hit our world in a single weekend. The willingness of PC and NPC alike to keep up an unbelievable pace throughout the event was inspiring. In our fight against the Windago Friday night Clinton and Morgan didn't hesitate to come with me when I wanted to chase it off into the woods. They made that fight a victory, not me. My rough count at the end of the event was 16 contracts, all successful. That is insane! Plot threw so much at us and the PCs handled it wonderfully. As a result Kundurk (sp?) will never be the same.

Some favorite Moments:
Fighting, fighting and fighting some more.
I am proud to a part of the pride. You all are just so awesome every event it amazes me.
Cup bearing
Picking my Banner. It will always be bittersweet but it means so much more than anything else I was going to pick.
Being the General. It felt like my character was in that role more than ever before. The way the NPCs treated me and the way other players reacted to me this weekend made me feel all the more like Lukas and immersed into being that character.
The capital city battle. That fight was unreasonable but I felt so pumped about coming up with what I thought was the creative solution to the tactical problem. I thought we just had to work our way through some weak undead and we were good, then a caster opens his side up to me perfectly so I rush him thinking I got it. NOPE! That was definitely a Dracolich, and not entirely figurative punch in the nose It felt like an appropriate reunion to an old enemy and a great plot twist to shake things up moving forward.
Running over to Jim-Bo the drunk peasant to keep him form walking down the wrong path at night and getting unmade.

Thanks to everyone who made the event possible I hope to see you all soon!

TS Mike
(and now I'm off to fill Matt in on what he missed. It's going to be fun.)
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ver good, got what i assume was heat exhaustion on saturday. sad i had to go, but it was definitely the right choice, was sick for two days..........#worthit :3
Running very behind on posting this, but have been meaning to...

- Was great to see new and old faces during our visit out there.
- Some great mods were had. In particular, kudos for the stealth mod and the glyph mod for creativity. NPCs, you worked yourselves hard and deserve nothing but praise.
- Crowd of PCs: "Does anyone have an amnesia?" *10 people turn to look at me* Me: "Are they legal here?" PCs: "No..." Me: "Go away. I have nothing for you. If you want to search me, I consent to your physical search." PCs: *glower*
- The double-hook defense of the sanctuary spell and attack on the undead forces was stellar. Rough for both sides, like it should be. :)
- The "hey is that the sun rising" mod friday night/saturday morning on the road. I don't think I've fought that hard in a few years. Rough fight but worth it!

All in all, had a great time. Definitely a change of pace from home. I know a bunch of folks were thinking about coming out here to Denver at some point, so feel free to message me here or on facebook ("Jim Rhoade" due to a need to hide my real last name). I'm usually pretty quick to reply. Be happy to help coordinate plans or let you know what to be ready for out here from an OOG perspective.

Thanks SoMI!