June 21-23 Event: "Can You Do Me a FAEvor?" PLAYER LIST


New Hampshire Staff
June Event.jpg

Making friends can be hard, even for up-and-coming Dukes like Charles Bennington. There are so many questions to ask. “Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?” … “Why is a friend in need a friend indeed?”... Neighboring Myerston is the beautiful town of Nethmere. The Council of Khar-Durai has opened its arms for another potential ally, the charismatic Mayor Clyden Ri’Vale, but Nethmere seems to have a problem. A Fae problem. In the last month, the most peculiar assortment of fairies and sprites have started to pester and harass both Nethmere and Myerston. Perhaps it's time for a little spring cleaning. Just remember the best reward is the friends we make along the way.

June Player List.jpg

[Updated 6/19/24]

1. Nick W.
2. Mark S.
3. Maryellen S.
4. Brian D.
5. Jeremy D.
6. Dustin S.
7. Bec N.
8. Robert R.


1. Susie G.
2. Kris A.
3. Justin D.
4. Mandy S.
5. Tristan H.
6. Marie R.
7. Linda W.
8. Steve D.
9. Jim A.
10. Evan D.
11. Chris F.
12. Kat A.
13. Drew R.
14. Jack Y.
15. Jake D.
16. Nate K.
17. Rachel D.
18. Kit
19. Isaac W.
20. Tina S.
21. Jacob L.
22. Mike D.
23. Robert L.
24. Joseph G.

*Ratio Overflow*

25. Mike C.
26. Padraic O.

Steps to Register (By 6/11 for discount!):

1. Complete character & event registration in CMA: https://db.alliancelarp.com/events/804

2. Pay! (Discounted to $50 if registered in the CMA by 6/11!)
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Look ar this great list brewing up! And TOMORROW (6/11, 11:59pm) is our pre-reg discount due date!

👉 If you are NPCing, please sign up in the CMA so we can clear our wait list! (We keep a 3:1 ratio!)

👉 If you have paid, please be sure to register your character in the CMA for the event! Need both steps to get on the list!

Player List Considerations - A Statement on our PC:NPC Ratio!

Our ratio is 3:1. But, we recognize that our game is more than just math. We don’t want to turn anyone away from PCing if we can avoid it.

The Wednesday before an event, our chapter leadership will make a call on whether or not to accept all PCs, make requests for "fence-hoppers," or offer incentives for optional NPC shifts.

With this in mind, we are adjusting our language of "wait list" to "ratio overflow", to reflect our intention of what is ideal and what is still possible!

Stay tuned, get hyped, and always invite more NPC pals!
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BE PREPARED!_20240617_203858_0000.png

Hi everyone,

The weather this weekend is looking like it will be both very hot, and potentially very wet.

The staff will be keeping an eye on conditions to adjust encounter schedules, etc.

We recommend that everyone do the following:

1. Bring (lots of) extra water to account for the heat.

2. Plan your costuming accordingly. (We will make a decision about calling a no armor weekend closer to the event.)

3. Be ready for puddles and mud if it rains significantly.

Thank you!
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