June 27rh weather

Frank Wiccan

Hey all what was the temp like up there at the site?
i NJ it was kinda hot and was curious how the temp was way up there.

Hot, humid and sticky (so much so that we called a no-armor day). But very little rain in the end.
ah dratters
I had hoped that being up past life as we know it would have made it much cooler.
I hope its not too too bad for the NJ event in THREE DAYS!

Night time was more comfortable temperature wise, but the humidity was just inescapable.

Threadjack warning (sorry) -

I believe Cortni will be posting a medical advisory on the warning signs of things like dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Some folks are very aware but others are not.

All I can say from a HoP perspective is please keep an eye on each other. If somebody is looking like the heat is taking a toll, please say something. And if a member of the medical staff tells you you need a break, please listen to them. It's been said before but it bears repeating - nothing ruins the weekend like a trip to the hospital. And these sort of incidents are completely avoidable.

Also if people can donate bottles of water and Gatorade (or other sports drink) to both the tavern and NPC camp it will be a huge help. This pretty much goes for every chapter, every event. No matter what the temperature dehydration is a huge issue.