June 9th-11th Pre-Registration Information!


Announcing Pre-Registration for our June 9th - 11th Event at MUCC Cedar Lake Camp

The price for this event will be $60, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Food for the weekend will cost an additional $10 if desired.

Logistics Details
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on June 5th, 2017.
Magic Item, Scroll, and substantial Production requests will close 11:59pm on May 26th, 2017

Please send the following information to logistics@alliancesouthmichigan.com.
  • Inform Logistics how you wish to spend any Build
  • Provide Logistics with a list of your Magic Items (Item number, expiration date, and effects)
  • If you have Spells, High Magic, and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
In order to help get you through logistics faster and more smoothly, we will be trying something different this event! For this event, please form a line when arriving at Logistics. If you have pre-registered, you may proceed to the front of the line as priority.

Site Information

MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center
2500 Pierce Rd
Chelsea, MI 48118

Who's Coming?
Pre-Registered PCs:
  1. Ian P. (Banradi)
  2. Nate B. (Nyio)
  3. Cory W. (Thirteen)
  4. TC B. (Naomi)
  5. Joe C. (Gideon)
  6. Tristin W. (Fredrick)
  7. Jeff G. (Ezekiel)
  8. Brigit C. (Sloane)
  9. Carrie S. (Pebbles)
  10. Derek S. (Sam)
  11. Ethan R. (Iggy)
  12. TSM (Lukas)
  13. Jenn P. (Mutt)
  14. Tom A. (Casan)
  15. Kristen S. (Dustie)
  16. Matt F. (Mathis)
  17. Baylan B. (Taios)
  18. Dave M. (Ardos)
  19. Allison J. (Moo)
  20. Louis M. (Finch)
  21. Alex M. (J'rajj)
  22. Chris S. (Kanki)
  23. Gabe R. (Dusty)
  24. Jared S. (Pyke)
  25. Kierra P. (Saro)
  26. Rachel H. (Scarlet)
  27. Annette S. (Cyn)
  28. Evie P. (Collette)
  29. Sal M. (Trellis)
Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Chris I.
  2. Travis G.
  3. Chad S. (Didn't Pre-Reg)
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Just a reminder that you only have a week left to pre-register and save $10!
I will be attending just waiting for traverse to be over to see my build and maybe spend some.

Since we've got a lot of new players to South Michigan (or who haven't played in our chapter for 3+ years), don't forget that you're eligible for a free Vacuum package! You can find out more about them by clicking this link: https://alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/goblin-stamp-uses.34113/

Even if you're not eligible for a free one (or you want more), you can donate to get goblin stamps to purchase some! Our updated donation list is below. As always, you can also just donate raw cash at a 4:1 ratio.

Looking forward to seeing you all!
