Announcing Pre-Registration for our June 9th - 11th Event at MUCC Cedar Lake Camp
The price for this event will be $60, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Food for the weekend will cost an additional $10 if desired.
Logistics Details
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on June 5th, 2017.
Magic Item, Scroll, and substantial Production requests will close 11:59pm on May 26th, 2017
Please send the following information to
- Inform Logistics how you wish to spend any Build
- Provide Logistics with a list of your Magic Items (Item number, expiration date, and effects)
- If you have Spells, High Magic, and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.
Site Information
MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center
2500 Pierce Rd
Chelsea, MI 48118
Who's Coming?
Pre-Registered PCs:
- Ian P. (Banradi)
- Nate B. (Nyio)
- Cory W. (Thirteen)
- TC B. (Naomi)
- Joe C. (Gideon)
- Tristin W. (Fredrick)
- Jeff G. (Ezekiel)
- Brigit C. (Sloane)
- Carrie S. (Pebbles)
- Derek S. (Sam)
- Ethan R. (Iggy)
- TSM (Lukas)
- Jenn P. (Mutt)
- Tom A. (Casan)
- Kristen S. (Dustie)
- Matt F. (Mathis)
- Baylan B. (Taios)
- Dave M. (Ardos)
- Allison J. (Moo)
- Louis M. (Finch)
- Alex M. (J'rajj)
- Chris S. (Kanki)
- Gabe R. (Dusty)
- Jared S. (Pyke)
- Kierra P. (Saro)
- Rachel H. (Scarlet)
- Annette S. (Cyn)
- Evie P. (Collette)
- Sal M. (Trellis)
- Chris I.
- Travis G.
- Chad S. (Didn't Pre-Reg)
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