Thank you NPCs for busting your butts even when it got humid!
That was a lot of feelings. Very few of them were primarily sad. Plenty of concern, frustration, fear, resignation, deciding to get a bit drunk, and somehow still time for happiness and hope.
Cerulean mod. Wow, adventurer personal sharing time, and being floored by a dragon. That was very challenging and very enjoyable. My favorite part was trying to figure out how to squeak out "thank you" and failing. My second favorite part was when someone cried.
Hiding from the rain story time. I don't remember hardly anything of what the stories were but I do remember the laughing and the hanging out and the not thinking about how we'd just fought Necalli and a Withering Knight.
Playing vague and also Mao with the probably farmers and hopefully not spies in the tavern.
Being spurred to ask some less than fun questions. Getting answers and responses. Getting out complete thoughts most of the time.
Providing a paranoid explanation of what constitutes a trick question and getting a reply that wasn't "you're insane".
Determining that the Healer's Guild might be a front for snack time.
Life/Death mod, even though we were super tapped on Purifies and Antidotes and Feeblemind is dangerous.
Aberdeen and Teawaddle. Ahahhahahahahhaha seriously, sitting here giggling.
See you on the dark side in August.