June Event Favorites


Crossroads Staff
You've got them, we want to hear them! Share your stories!
It may be too soon, but I couldn't wait any longer. I had such a good time!!!

NPCs - we say it so often I feel like it might sound like rhetoric, but you need to know that we appreciate you so very much! Without you, we don't get to play. You LITERALLY make it possible! You are out in the rain popping up time and time again and when the plot people tell you to, you go in for another round of being battered and pelted with bird seed. I can't thank you enough.

Plot people - you people never and I mean NEVER cease to amaze me. You write the most intriguing stories and then when the PCs go in a different direction you quickly alter every plan you've made to accommodate our fun. You play the most awful villains and allow us to pummel you day after day, event after event. Thank you for being the epitome of awesome.

Okay so some favorites.
1. Explosive traps that I got years ago finally being put to good use. And 'Yosemite Sam', "Frankie's" friend. Oh man. I couldn't even walk in front of them because I couldn't keep a straight face. The BEST time! Also, being able to help fix everyone without magic was SO COOL!

2. Using SO much alchemy during the last battle.

3. Hearing commands being shouted on the battlefields and people actually paying attention. I think this weekend may have been one of the most organized times I've ever seen the townsfolk be!

4. New Family members!

5. Proposals to propose. McHotBod

6. My husband's Mac N Cheese

7. All of the SM plot

8. Watching the Legion taking on the Withering Knight

9. Chithiss and Roman - I fed it to the rat

10. Penny helping me make rat eyes, tongue, blood, snot ...so much fun

11. Actually taking notes and going over books with Deb in the Celestial Guild. Hearing stories about people from before my time.

12. Angry Bear times with Koi and Tova

13. Country Western funeral (It turned out to not be a funeral)

14. Investigating the trap box. To Azureth "put this up there but make it not look like what it is"

15. Keely to Tzydl "you gotta take those bells off you're going to get us all killed"

16. Paranoia will destroy ya!!

17. But perhaps one of my most favorite things this weekend was Aloise!!! When that little human alchemist finally gets to PC he's going to have soooooo much alchemy from Tzydl LOL!!! And Constance trying to convince him to go to Sadeen Moor when the unrest settles down.

I had a blast. It was so much fun and I can't wait to see what happens in August.
Thank you NPCs for busting your butts even when it got humid!

That was a lot of feelings. Very few of them were primarily sad. Plenty of concern, frustration, fear, resignation, deciding to get a bit drunk, and somehow still time for happiness and hope.

Cerulean mod. Wow, adventurer personal sharing time, and being floored by a dragon. That was very challenging and very enjoyable. My favorite part was trying to figure out how to squeak out "thank you" and failing. My second favorite part was when someone cried.

Hiding from the rain story time. I don't remember hardly anything of what the stories were but I do remember the laughing and the hanging out and the not thinking about how we'd just fought Necalli and a Withering Knight.

Playing vague and also Mao with the probably farmers and hopefully not spies in the tavern.

Being spurred to ask some less than fun questions. Getting answers and responses. Getting out complete thoughts most of the time.

Providing a paranoid explanation of what constitutes a trick question and getting a reply that wasn't "you're insane".

Determining that the Healer's Guild might be a front for snack time.

Life/Death mod, even though we were super tapped on Purifies and Antidotes and Feeblemind is dangerous.

Aberdeen and Teawaddle. Ahahhahahahahhaha seriously, sitting here giggling.

See you on the dark side in August. ;)
New life goal for Phedre: go back in time and party with Teawaddle. Doubtful she can keep up, but absolutely willing to try.

"Bomb? Ais and I have a system for this." One of these times we'll walk away with an impressive amount of tags...

I wasn't planning on exiting in such a dramatic fashion to go see Coheed, but sure, Phedre and Chithiss had late-night conversations. "We need to talk" is so much more terrifying than anger or malice because it can go in any direction.

Osiris-ball plus conchordium battery... gosh I wonder what could have gone wrong?

This plot team has done an amazing job of letting me do some crazy things (the True Empowerments here are always top-notch!), and in a handful of games have managed to put me at an absolute crossroads with her. I have a vague idea where I'd like to go and how I want to see her grow, and I'm looking forward to continuing to interact with the world you guys steadily expand and evolve.
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