June event pictures

Stop hiding behind all the mighty barrister types and maybe you can get some shots in front of the monsters :p
If you guys would email anything you have for images from the event to be, I will post them in our gallery online for our website. Any one with pictures would be helpful. Just name them with the event date and name of who took it.


Vicki, Webmaster
are they up!? omg hurry up! :D
I didn't see any from this year on the Chicago site, and I don't know who has them on facebook either.... *Sad fox face*
kick jess, she is OBVIOUSLY be lazy and stuff with her pictures... ;)
the reason we dont have any from this year is... no one has emailed me any to post on the site.... if any one has any from this year please send them to me so I can post them for all to look at.

There are pictures on facebook from the opener... I think.