June Event Pre-Reg List!


Woah! There's an event upcoming! You can PRE-REG FOR IT!!! You should do it! Now!!!!! :D

Pre-reging is a great way to save tons of money on the event, and it's super easy now that we have our amazing new form!

Please note that we are no longer accepting pre-reg's through our email address. Feel free to email questions to us, but any pre-reg's submitted to the email will be returned and you will be asked to use the form.

If you aren't sure you can make it, PRE-REG ANYWAYS! Pre-reging isn't a commitment signed in blood! It just helps us, your friendly neighborhood logistics team, make your check in super fast and super easy, saves you tons of money when you arrive (and by "tons" i mean $10, AKA all the money you need to feed yourself on ramen and Shasta for the weekend), and makes all of our lives a little easier. It also grants you the ability to skip our super awesome "I didn't pre-reg" form on Friday night. While that Friday night form IS super awesome, it is not nearly as much fun as doing the form in advance!

So pre-reg yourself away! And in case you missed it the first time, here's that link again!

If you have additional questions about pre-reging, please check our fantastic forum post on it!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We ask that ALL NPCs pre-reg as well, including NPC guildies. This is to ensure that your check in is as accurate and pleasant as possible, and that you get your gobbies and blankets in a timely manner. Thank you very much!

Current list of Pre-Regs: - Last updated 6/26/13 9:18 AM
Sean G - Snows on the Wind
Gavin V - Maealas
Andy S - Tantarus
Rick R - Cael
Jason W - Landon
Dave T - Garrick
Norman B - Karzel
Shane M - Elryion
Erik B - Rothgar
Leigh-Ann M - Kiarra
Bryan G - Polare
Shane R - Tanis
Chelsea E - Swift
Aaron A - Silverthorn
Michel T - Procyonoides
Ryan W - Luke
Gabe DLA - Darien
Evan R - Zeth
Kevin M - Flynn
Josh R - Korah
Rhys M - Ryabel
Daniel E - Fiik
Denise B - Taliya
Brittani E - Lucinda
Seth B - Alavatar
Adam S - Avaran
Aodhan M - Loclyn*
Cymryc M - Daylynn
Chantell W - Taloryn
Matt W - Mortikai
Tai K - Minuial
Tony M - Raganzi
Amanda G - Shay
David K - Maven
Greg R - Kreiger** - No magic item pre-reg
Adam F - Boganzi
Emily S - Kasuni
Jordan F - Vanyal
Mike L - Killian ** - No magic item pre-reg
Lauren H - Sprig
Chuck J - Peer

*Character Transfers not received
**Pre-registration currently incomplete

Richard H (new)
Kimera H (new)
Barbara M
James Neal (new)
Jacob G
Nick B
Marin Mc Grath (new?)
Doug R
Queenie T
Race N
Jason S
Kira D
Brandon L
Ben S
Levi C

NPC Guild/Plot
Sean B
Nikki B
Matt O
Brian J
Jimmy H
Amy M
Carmen S
Ron L
Ben T
Nate B
Cassandra J
Will C
Jordan M

NPC Food (27)
Sean B
Nikki B
Matt O
Brian J
Jimmy H
Amy M
Carmen S
Ron L
Barbara M
Ben T
Queenie T
Jacob G
Bryan G
Martin M
Denise B
Doug R
Race N
Jason S
Kira D
Brandon L
Cassandra J
Nate B
Adam F
Levi C
Will C
Ben S
Jordan M

Character Transfers Received
Leigh-Ann M - Kiarra
Adam S - Avaran
Cymryc M - Daylynn
Andy S - Tantarus
Chelsea E - Swift
Jason W - Landon
Rick R - Cael
Ryan W - Luke
Mike L - Killian
Amanda G - Shay
Chuck J - Peer
Tawny W - Sehya
Bryan G - Peter

Late Pre-Reg's
Tawny W - Sehya
Levi C - NPC
Will C - NPC Guild
Ben S - NPC
Lizzy M - Shelk
Jamie G - Yames
Torie - Sage
Jordan M - NPC Guild
Hey all! We're getting closer to event time, so start thinking about your pre-reging! Pre-reg will close at 11:59:59 PM on 6/21/13.


Start your event off right! Pre-reg!
Woah! It's just over a week before pre-reg closes!!! ZOMG! Do it now! Then you don't have to do it later!! Dude!
Hey all! Pre-reg closes on THIS FRIDAY! Be sure to get your stuff in! Next week is going to be a really busy one, so make sure you get your pre-reg in now (even if you aren't sure you can go!), and save yourself some time and money!
Only 2 more days to pre-reg!! Better go make that a thing!
Pre-reg closes at midnight tonight!!

Pre-reg is now closed for the discount!! Feel free to still submit your pre-reg to save your lovely logistics people some sanity, and to save yourself from the feared Sheet Of Doom!

I make no guarantees about anything that isn't received by Thursday around 9 PM, though, so keep that in mind as you're thinking through your week!

Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you all at game!
I have a friend, Ben S, who will be joining us to NPC this weekend. Is it too late to have him added to the NPC food?
Durnic said:
I have a friend, Ben S, who will be joining us to NPC this weekend. Is it too late to have him added to the NPC food?

According to Matt on FB, you can still have him added, but register him ASAP.
Draven said:
Durnic said:
I have a friend, Ben S, who will be joining us to NPC this weekend. Is it too late to have him added to the NPC food?

According to Matt on FB, you can still have him added, but register him ASAP.
As soon as he gets back to me about food allergies, I will do so.

Thanks, Evan!
His pre-reg has been sent.

Thanks for your help, everyone!
Sweet. He's up!