June Event Weather


According to weather.com for Kirkland, IL:
Friday: High 93, Low 65 - 10% chance of rain
Sat: High 93 Low 68 - 30% chance of rain
Sun: High 89 Low 68 - 20% chance of rain

Sat Rain Forecast:
3pm - 30% chance
6pm - 40% chance
12am - 50% chance
3am - 30% chance
6am - 20% chance

As per usual, it's going to rain, be hot, and be buggy. :)
We are also in a moderate to high pollen count this weekend so if you have allergies (like me) pack the meds!
I blame you Ryan for that storm we had Sat Night. You asked for the Day Star to go away and this is what happens!
Darkcrescent said:
I blame you Ryan for that storm we had Sat Night. You asked for the Day Star to go away and this is what happens!

Nah, I cursed all of you - since I had AC and an umbrella. :p