June-July Rumors 1515

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Rumors have been spreading across the region:

“I’ve seen a number of Gypsies in the area recently, but the weird thing is that many of them have seemed pretty grim rather than their typical jovial selves.”

“Really, guys, I swear saw a tree moving the other day! You gotta believe me! It was just past over the border outside the Valley of Solace!”

“With Ole and Lena running The Bird’s Nest rather than Socora, I wonder if they’ll try to rename it The Beard’s Nest…”

"I hear the adventurers have got their hands on the Metheran Sphere! If little flakes of Metheran can work wonders, I wonder what a whole ball of it can do."

“The Horizon Town Guard is training nicely, but they’ve definitely got a bit of a ways to go if they’re going to be able to fend off anything more troublesome than some of those rats.”

“Mystic Wood Elf tears supposedly make for great tea. Anyone got a depressing sob story? I’m thirsty.”

“Discussions with the emissaries from Bomae are going poorly.”

“Wild Rose is Jimmy Three Face.”
“He hasn’t even done anything yet!”
“That hasn’t stopped me spreading rumors in past.”

“I saw another one of those creepy flesh golems yesterday, but this time it was yelling, ‘I’m sure Sir Victor Von Gryphon will catch that no-good Butterfly, just like he caught Becker Pranceheart!’”

“There’s a high demand for Poison Shield and Antidote Elixirs over at the Dryad Trading Post in the Western Wilds, but the Dryads have so little coin to offer that most merchants aren’t bothering with it.”

“My aunt in Southhurst saw some Dark Elves for the first time since that Matron made them all leave Gaden. They didn't look happy, but then again, do they ever?”

“I didn’t get close, but I heard a man cursing profusely in the big mausoleum at that old Trenton Graveyard the other night. I wonder what has him so angry.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have any Euphoria, would you? I’m asking for a friend. Yeah. Totally.”

"I could've sworn I saw some of those big rats running through the undergrowth with what looked like a big panther or something. Not AWAY from the panther - WITH it!"